Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007

Jesus said: “My people, I am truly the Resurrection and the Life for all of humanity. No one can enter heaven unless they come through Me, because I have paid the price with My life for the salvation of all souls. This is why you need to be healed of all of your earthly desires either on earth or in purgatory in order to be pure enough to enter heaven. In order to gain eternal life you must have faith in My Resurrection and your own resurrection at the final judgment. My death and Resurrection are an example for you to follow in My footsteps. Repent of your sins and accept Me as Master of your life. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and in the end he loses his soul? The things of this world, as well as your body, are passing away, but your soul is immortal and will live on forever. It is by your choice in your life’s actions that you choose either heaven or hell for all eternity. This day you honor all of those who died to save your country from the dictators of the world. Truly you owe your thanks to them for your freedom. You also owe Me thanks for your spiritual freedom from the bondage of sin that I offer you in Confession. As in Maccabees you may be confronted one day with standing up for your belief in Me, even if it means being martyred for that belief. Be strong in your faith, even to the very last moment of your life on earth. Trust in Me, and you will truly be with Me in heaven for all eternity.”
Source: ➥