Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel parable today was given as an answer to the Scribes and Pharisees who refused to believe in My words and miracles, and Me as the Son of God. Since they gave excuses as they knew Me from My parents, and that I was blaspheming to say that I was the Son of God, I rejected them from My Banquet, even as they wanted to kill Me. So I called the Gentiles in through St. Paul to come to Me in place of those who rejected Me. The vision of a brush cleansing the dust out of today’s Church represents how I again will reject those believing in New Age teachings, and they will not taste a morsel of My Banquet in heaven. Those, who worship the gods of this earth and not Me, are truly condemning themselves to the fires of Gehenna. This division coming in My Church will be between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. Follow the teachings of My apostles and My evangelists, and leave any church that teaches New Age or the one world religion of Satan. Pray for discernment and worship Me, the only One true God who loves you.” Jesus said: “My people, war in any form is a result of sin and is encouraged by Satan and his demons. It is even worse when some leaders cause a war by their own greed for power and money. The Iraq War was a war started by America with no provocation and mainly to protect the oil fields. The ensuing insurgent war has purposely been dragged out to deplete your military and ruin your economy with huge deficit spending for the war. These constant wars started by the one world people have your takeover as their constant goal. Stop these wars and you could take back your country. Allow these wars to continue, and your nation will be no more. Pray for peace, or else you will be going to the refuges sooner.”
Source: ➥