Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007

Jesus said: “My people, when you receive Me in Holy Communion, you truly are experiencing a little taste of heaven in all of My glory. Your own personal experience was an even greater sense of our Presence in heaven. I have bestowed this extra gift of My holy and Real Presence so you could share with others the beauty and glory of heaven. I want everyone to have awe and praise Me in My Blessed Sacrament. It is important to have reverence for My Real Presence in My Eucharist. You can witness to My reverence by receiving Me on the tongue, as it pleases Me more than in the hand. Genuflect or bow before Me when you receive Me or come before Me in My tabernacle. Most of all, only receive Me in My Body and Blood when you are in the state of grace without mortal sin, so you do not commit a sin of sacrilege. You can come before Me in My tabernacle to make special visits of love and I will bestow My graces upon you to help you endure the trials of this life. Give honor and glory to Me in your prayers every day and consecrate all that you do for My glory. Follow My ways and I will be with you at all times. By your morning and evening prayers you are acknowledging Me as the center and Master of your life. This vision of heaven is the goal of your soul, so strive to keep your soul pure for the day that I will bring you home to Me in death.” Jesus said: “My people, in this vision many are called together to build churches and other adjacent buildings. It takes many donations or some rich patrons to get enough money and help to build churches. Even a lot of prayer and patience is involved in such a work. There is another kind of building, and that is ‘building up My Church’ in the membership of believers. This is even more difficult because it involves conversions of hearts and wills to follow My ways. There are other needs as well to help bring back the lukewarm who have fallen away from their faith, and they need a re-conversion. Still others are having a problem with forgiveness where there may be grudges or even anger against someone. These hearts need to be warmed by My love to take away any icy cold hearts. This lack of forgiveness can only be healed from the free will of both parties by desiring a compromise of love from the heart. Until each soul prays for the warmness of healing in their hearts of anger or grudges, things will not change. You know that souls, who go to their graves with an unforgiving heart, will have to suffer in purgatory to purge this imperfection. Pray to be healed in this life, and pray for your friends to be reconciled in any broken relationships.”
Source: ➥