Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, October 22, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I told you that there is more to life than just possessions, and the desire to own things. In actuality you are not owners, but you are stewards of My gifts. Everything, that you have, has been given to you through My blessings. All the things of this life are passing away and are being consumed, stolen, or becoming obsolete. Only your spiritual deeds and gifts last forever. So do not let the desire for earthly things control you, because they are not that important. You are to use your wealth, time, and talents to help people, and do not store up earthly treasure just for your own use. You are to share what you have with others, and in this way you can store up treasure in heaven which is everlasting and of more value to your soul. Some feel more comfortable in the security of their stored up wealth, but this can be lost in many ways. Your real security is trusting in My help for your needs, and only I can give you true peace in your soul through My sacramental Presence. You struggle through all of life with the one goal of being with Me in heaven for all eternity. Do everything for My greater glory and according to My Will, and you will have no worries, and no fears.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you before visions of drought stricken areas. Even the lake reservoirs are drying up very quickly from being drained by use and very little rain. Another symptom of dry land is when lightning or cigarettes set off fires as you are seeing in California. They have declared a state of emergency to bring in help from other states. Winds can spread fires very quickly, and it is difficult to even fight such fires. This is another set of natural disasters that are testing your people and taking away their homes and possessions. This is an area of rich movie stars that make many obscene and violent movies. Pray for those who are suffering losses, and are rationing what little fresh water that can be found. The South is also suffering droughts, and they could also be at risk for fires if something can start them. Be thankful for whatever you have today, for tomorrow it could be taken away from you in a storm.”
Source: ➥