Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007

Jesus said: “My people, prayer intentions and the Gospel today of ask and you shall receive, may be difficult for man to understand. I do answer your prayers, but not always in the way that you desire. I have always asked you to pray for what is best for your soul or the souls of those that you are praying for. I also have asked you to pray in My Name and according to My Will in all of your petitions. Because I do not interfere with your free will or that of others, you need to pray for the grace that those, whom you are praying for, will be predisposed to My love and do the right thing. This is especially true for those away from the Church whom you are praying to return. At times it seems that your prayers are not answered. This could be for several reasons. One is that your intention is not what is best for your soul or another. Another is that it is not proper according to My Will, or your intended soul does not want to change their lifestyle of their own free will. In the case of illnesses the patient may die or continue suffering because it is their time to die, or they are suffering their purgatory time on earth. The other end of prayers of petition is that if your prayer is answered, you should give Me praise and thanksgiving for a good outcome. In the cases of conversions remember that because of a sinner’s sins, they have varying prices of more prayer, fasting, and Masses that are needed to atone for their sins. Continue praying for your intentions because persistence in prayer is needed in some cases.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the war going on in Iraq is not one with conventional weapons, but it is one of sniper and gorilla attacks with bombs killing even civilians. In one car bomb more people are killed than this Blackwater incident. There are no demands of millions of dollars for the atrocities committed by so-called insurgents. This is not a true war and your people have no business occupying Iraq just to hold on to oil lands for the rich. All attempts to leave Iraq are being thwarted by the one world people who want this war to continue so they can make more money. Pray for peace and an end to this war for the rich.”
Jesus said: “My people, October is a month of My Blessed Mother and many are praying her rosary as Fatima celebrates the 90th Anniversary of the miracle of the sun. In 1917 there was a prophesy of the errors of Russia when the communists would take over and flood all over the world. Now you are being scourged with security and the power of the central bankers who want to control every facet of your life with their microchips and their creation of a global empire. Prayer with the rosary is your weapon to fight Satan and the coming Antichrist.”
Jesus said: “My people, the lack of fresh water from rain has been widespread across your country because of a change in your jet streams that bring rain storms. The West has had shortfalls in rain for many years which has caused many fires. Now the South is complaining because they are having to restrict their water usage. Even in parts of the Northeast you are seeing deficits from your normal rainfall. Now your scientists are predicting a slightly colder winter with less moisture because of a cooler Pacific Ocean. It is time to pray for a restoration of your rainfall.”
Jesus said: “My people, many are blaming China for importing lead painted dolls, and some poor or contaminated meat products with ecoli and pet foods with plastic poison. In the ensuing investigation it is hard to track these imports which are little inspected and quickly are mixed with other products when there is no country origin label. The truth is that the merchants want cheap products and they are not caring about the quality of these food imports. It is the safety of your food that should be red flagged when the quality is suspect. Pray that your food processors will change their testing ways so your foods can have a better quality.”
Jesus said: “My people, your corporate leaders are excessively paid compared to the average wage earner. Corporations are exporting their manufacturing jobs to gain cheap labor, but are selling their products at the same high prices. All of these profits are going to the rich while American workers are left with low paying jobs and very little benefits. Yet, it is these same corporations who control your laws and lawmakers for their own gain. They also are behind the coming North American Union which will take away your sovereign rights. Wall Street is out of control and they are leading you into wars and ruin for their own profits. This evil lot will be vanquished into hell for stealing their workers jobs and wages.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am thanking your prayer group for all of your rosaries and for being faithful to Me in your Adoration services. It is sad that you are in a small minority of people praying, when many are more attentive to earthly concerns and some even are in the occult. There is a great need for prayer in your world and I can only encourage you to continue in your work for the souls of the world who are not listening to My words. Some are even trying to remove My Name from all public places and things. If there is not enough repentance for sin, you could see terrible consequences from My justice. Strengthen your spiritual lives now so you will be prepared for the coming tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, you will see an evil that you have never seen before in the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. This will be a battle of good and evil that will require My angel protection to save your souls from the evil ones. Do not use physical guns, but your prayers are your weapons. I will perform miracles against these evil ones so you will be safe from their weapons and false teachings. Trust in Me and have no fear because I am more powerful than all of the evil ones put together.”
Source: ➥