Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Apparition and Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace on November 24, 2024 - Feast of the Presentation in the Temple of Mary Most Holy
Now, My Children, You Must Pray As You Have Never Prayed Before, Because the Last Thread That Still Holds the Peace of the World Together Is About to Be Cut

(Most Holy Mary): “Dear children, today I invite you once again to trust in My maternal love. Come to Me and I will shower you with many, many graces!
What I said to My daughter St. Catherine Laboure, I repeat to you: Many graces are not granted because people don't ask Me, or because they forget, or worse, because they don't believe in the power of the Queen of Heaven and Earth and Mediatrix of all graces.
Come to Me, pray and you will be filled with so many blessings. Anyone who asks Me for graces by offering the merits of the film Voices from Heaven No. 6, which My son Marcos made, and promises to give this film of My apparition to My children who don't know Me, will receive great graces from My heart.
Yes, anyone who also offers the merits of the meditated Rosary no. 56 and the Hour of Peace No. 40 that My son Marcos made to Me will receive great graces. And if the person also makes a promise to give this Hour of Peace to My children who don't have it, they will receive copious graces from My Heart and will give Me even greater joy.
Now, My children, you must pray as you have never prayed before, because the last thread that still holds the peace of the world together is about to be cut. If there is not a lot of prayer and sacrifice, what I said in the Third Message I gave at Fatima* on July 13, 1917, what I said in My Secret will come true.
Russia will once again be the scourge of the world, many nations will be annihilated, destroyed and a great and unspeakable desolation will overtake the Earth.
Pray! Pray! Pray!
Don't think about anything else, don't waste time on anything else, don't look for anything else, dedicate your time to praying for peace. If you don't do this, there will no longer be a future for you or your children and all your plans will fall to the ground, useless and destroyed by the coming war.
Pray! Pray! Pray, My children, because only prayer and sacrifice can save you now.
Pray, don't think about anything else, don't worry about anything else, dedicate yourselves solely to prayer, put prayer first now and make it the most important thing in your lives and your everything. Because everything now depends on prayer alone.
My dear son Andrew, you must pray the Rosary of the Holy Spirit** asking for his Seven Gifts for four Saturdays in a row next month.
In January, you will have to pray the Rosary of the Flame meditated on No. 1 for four Saturdays in a row. And finally, in February, I will reveal what I want and the plan I have for you.
You should also pray the prayer of intimacy that My son Marcos recorded every Sunday morning before the cenacle.
In this way, My son, you can be prepared worthily for what I want from you and which I will reveal to you in three months' time. Your life will change and My plan for you will finally be realized.
You weren't chosen or brought here by chance, I've always had a plan and design for you and now I'm going to put it into practice. I will fulfill it and great glory will be given to God, to Me and many souls will be benefited and saved.
My son Marcos will also do his part in carrying out this plan, he already knows what to do and he will do it as always very well without disappointing Me. As for the other things, just trust, hope in Me and pray, pray, pray.
I love you and I am with you at all times and I will never, ever leave you alone, just let yourself be carried in My arms in imitation of My son Jesus who let himself be carried by Me and I too: I will nourish you, form you, feed you and enlighten you just as I did with My son Jesus.
And for now, My son, just pray and feel the joy of being extremely, especially loved by Me and of having a special place in My heart that is yours alone.
As for the others, continue on the road I have shown you: of prayer, sacrifice and penance. Don't waste your time on vain and foolish things like sports, entertainment and worldly things.
Dedicate your time to prayer, otherwise most of humanity will die. The last thread that holds peace together is about to be cut. Pray, My children, because if you don't, here in this nation there will also be great pain, great suffering for you.
Prayer, only prayer and nothing but prayer. The Secret of La Salette*** is being fulfilled and many, instead of marching forward with Me, are turning back, choosing the things of the world, or attaching themselves to people they shouldn't attach themselves to and disconnecting from Me.
So, My children, you who are firmly connected to Me, go forward and don't look back, because whoever doesn't go forward with Me goes backwards. And now, meditate on My Secret of La Salette with dedication and attention and you will recognize not only the signs of the times, of the end times that you are living through, but you will also verify the realization and the truth of all My words.
Whoever has ears to hear, listen!
Keep praying My Rosary every day. Attack My enemy by praying the Hour of Peace No. 30 for peace three times and give it to two of My children who don't have it.
I also ask you to pray the meditated Rosary of Triumph No. 3 four times for the peace of the world, which is about to be lost. And that you give it to two of My children who don't have it, so that the mystical power of prayer increases, so that I can stop what I told you months ago that My enemy was going to do, his last three offensives to destroy all of humanity.
Help Me to stop him by doing all this that I have said. Peace! Peace! Peace! For peace to reign: Pray! Pray! Pray with all your heart.
My heart is full of pain and this pain is transmitted to My whole body because of what awaits the Earth and what will soon happen if there are not enough prayers to stop it.
I bless you all with love and especially you, My little son Marcos, for how much I thank you for Hour of Peace No. 45 and also for Hour of Peace No. 38, which touch My heart so much.
I transform the merits of these good works of yours and also the merits of the movie Voices from Heaven No. 16 into superabundant graces and I pour them out on you now and on two other people you choose.
I pour out, I will pour out on you now 9,000 blessings and on the two people you choose I will pour out now 50 special blessings.
I bless you all with love: from La Salette, from Pontmain and from Jacareí.
As I've already said, wherever one of these holy objects arrives, I'll be there bringing the Lord's great graces.
My son St. Caetano and also My son St. John Beckman will have to accompany Me and these objects carrying the graces of the Lord.
Peace My children, My dear son André, come back here on the third Sunday of February, I will reveal to you what you have to do.
I leave you all My peace and My blessing that you may be happy. ”
Is there anyone in heaven and on earth who has done more for Our Lady than Marcos? Mary says it herself, there is only him. Would it not then be just to give him the title he deserves? Which other angel is worthy of the title “Angel of Peace”? There is only him.
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
The Miracle of the Sun and of the Candle
Prayers of Our Lady of Jacarei
Holy Hours given by Our Lady in Jacarei
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Apparition of Our Lady at Pointmain
The Rosary of the Holy Spirit**