Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, July 15, 2024
Apparition and Message of Our Lord Jesus and Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace on July 7, 2024
Be the Sparks, the Sparks of My Sacred Heart!

(Jesus): "Generation, My chosen souls! I come here today with My Immaculate Mother, on the monthly anniversary of our Apparitions, to say to you:
Be the sparks, the sparks of My Sacred Heart!
Be the sparks of My Sacred Heart setting the whole world on fire with the Flame of Love of My Sacred Heart and of My Mother's Heart.
Be the sparks of My Sacred Heart, carrying My messages and My Mother's messages everywhere, so that souls may know Our love. And in knowing Our love, may they love us and in loving us may they become worthy of us, of our graces, Our treasures and the salvation I offer.
Be the sparks of My Sacred Heart, bringing the knowledge of My messages and of My Mother to all souls, because My people perish for lack of knowledge, for ignorance.
Be the sparks of My Sacred Heart, taking the graces of My Sacred Heart and My Mother everywhere, going from house to house with the pilgrim images of My Mother, taking our love to all those who don't know us.
Hearts are very hard, it's true, but there are still hearts of good will that will welcome My Mother's words and My words with love.
Go! Take our love to these souls and set their hearts on fire with the Flame of Love from our Hearts.
In this way, little by little, the world will be transformed into a great fire that will burn with the Flame of Love of My Sacred Heart and My Mother's Heart night and day. And then the world will be transformed into My kingdom of love and My enemy will finally be annihilated.
My Sacred Heart will conquer, with My Mother, those who have rejected our calls to conversion. Those who have abused My patience, My mercy and My graces, the undesirables, those who have fought against Me and My Mother will be thrown to the ground by Me on the day of punishment.
The ground will open up beneath them and swallow many of them up, and their souls will descend into the eternal fire to be punished there for all eternity.
Penance and prayer! Conversion is what I desire. Welcome the immense love that My Mother and I have shown here for so many years during our Apparitions, because it was with immense love that I sent My Mother here and that I came to save each one of you.
I am the vine, whoever is outside of Me will die like a dry branch cut from the trunk. He who is connected, united to Me, will bear much fruit of eternal life.
Remain in My love, remain in Me, live in Me and I will live in you.
I bless you all with love: from Dozulé, from Paray-Le-Monial and from Jacareí.
Attack My enemy by praying the Hour of My Sacred Heart no. 32 twice and giving it to two of My children.
Peace, My children!"
(Most Holy Mary): "I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! Today, when another month of My presence here with My son Jesus and all of Heaven is completed, I come again through the mouth of My servant to tell you all:
Welcome pilgrim love, which comes from Heaven like a Mother who continually calls Her children into Her arms, into Her heart.
Welcome the Pilgrim Mother of Love, who is Me, who has been coming from Heaven for so many years in search of My lost children who are wandering around the world in bewilderment, to call them to the true path of happiness and peace.
Welcome the Pilgrim Mother of Love, who comes from Heaven full of graces to give to all Her children.
Welcome the Pilgrim Mother of Love, who comes from heaven to tell you continually that the time for conversion has come. The axe is already at the root of the trees and every tree that does not bear fruit will be cut down.
Yes, you cannot serve two Lords! You cannot serve God and the world, you cannot serve Heaven and Earth at the same time. You cannot serve grace and truth and evil and sin. Therefore, convert, My children, change your lives so that you are truly worthy of Heaven.
Purify your souls of all the contamination of the sins you have done to other people with penance, fasting and prayer.
Cleanse your temples, your hearts with prayer, feed your souls with meditation, so that they are strong and wise and always know how to choose what is best for their souls and what is the right thing to do.
Pray continuously, because without prayer no grace is given to you. You will achieve nothing without penance and prayer.
Hearts have become very hard now and hardly any rays of light from Heaven penetrate them anymore, they have become completely insensitive to any grace from Heaven and spiritually dead.
But My powerful Flame of Love can still break these hard hearts and ignite in them the flame of divine love.
So, My children, go, take My messages and My love to all My children, because then My Flame of Love will truly defeat Satan in the lives of My children and triumph in them, leading them along the path and the road that leads to Heaven.
Live the Virtue of Magnanimity, that virtue which makes you undertake arduous things for God, bear the consequences and endure all inner and outer suffering for the love of God. The true soul who loves God is known by the Virtue of Magnanimity.
Convert without delay because time is running out, My children, and now there are few messages left that I can give you.
My son Marcos, My pictures and yours will continue to cry to show men how great My pain is and yours too, for the ingratitude, for the continual suffering that men cause Us.
Yes, throughout these months the warrior I had, who produced so many meditated Rosaries for Me, so many Rosaries and films... This warrior could do nothing more because his mind, his soul and his heart were mortally wounded by people's ingratitude, falsehood and evil.
Yes, how many souls, how many souls who depended on these new Rosaries, Rosaries and new movies who could have received new grace and so many others, the rays of My Flame of Love so that they would be saved and did not.
Yes, I am losing My most ardent, hard-working warrior to this illness caused by people's ingratitude and malice. But My Flame of Love watches over you, My Flame of Love is within you and it will act to save you, to restore you My son. But this pain will continue to be shown and as long as a great wave of love does not rise up from souls towards Me and also towards you, our tears will not stop falling.
Yes, the world needs to know, people need to know and see the consequences of their attitudes and their sins and Divine Justice will charge each one for all of this. Keep your heart in peace, My son, because I watch over you and take care of you.
I bless you now and I welcome the offering you made this morning of the meditated Rosary no. 83 offered by your father Carlos Tadeu, who is the one you love the most, and also on My children who are here.
I am now pouring out 428,000 blessings on your father and 7,000 special blessings on those who are here. Above all, to those who wear My Grey Scapular and My Medal of Peace, I now also give a plenary indulgence, forgiveness of faults and penalties, and I also give all the graces I promised to those who wear My Medal of Peace.
Those who wear My Medal of Peace and My Grey Scapular of Peace on their chest every 7th day will also receive 8 special graces from the Holy Spirit.
My son Carlos Tadeu, I bless you once again, continue with the cenacles this month, pray with My children the Rosary of Triumph meditated on No. 3, so that My children understand the seriousness and gravity of this hour and like good soldiers fight together with Me for the salvation of My children.
Continue, My child, because every cenacle you make decreases the power of Satan and increases the power of My Flame of Love to save My children throughout the world.
I bless you and cover you now with My mantle of love.
Go, My children, go and attack My enemy with the Rosary of Triumph No. 2 and the Rosary of Sorrows meditated on No. 5.
Go, attack My enemy and save the souls of My children. You must be My soldiers, My fight against the infernal dragon will soon be over. I will be the victor at the end of this war and only those who fight with Me will receive My son's medal of honor and also the crown of victory.
Go and save the souls of My children, in the cenacles this month pray the Rosary of the Flame of Love No. 1 so that My children will console Me and also the Rosary of Tears meditated on No. 22.
Pray the Rosary every day!
Also pray the Rosary of those Consecrated to My Heart often, so that you may truly live in Me and I in you.
I bless you all with love, especially you, My son Marcos, who worked and fought so hard for Me for so many years. When I see the scenes from the 1990s that you did for Me, My Heart is moved and don't be surprised that even then I was already reflected in your eyes at the time of the apparition.
I have always lived in you as in My garden, as in My second home, in My second Heaven, as in My palace and throne of love, and you have always lived in Me. And that's why, through you at that time, I already freed demons, freed those possessed by the devil by casting them out, healed the sick, made signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars and so many, many graces, because you were always Mine and I was always yours and you always remained in Me and I always in you.
And as I promised you in 1993, I will continue to live in you with My son Jesus until the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart, together, always us!
I bless you and all My children: Lourdes, Dozulé, Pontmain and Jacareí.
Show My children the Miracle of the Candle Flame* that didn't burn your hand and the ray of light that on the same day today, exactly 30 years ago, I made descend from Heaven upon you.
So that My children can see not only that the Woman dressed as the Sun is truly here with all Her power. And that the sign of Revelation 12 has appeared here, but also that I have chosen you, the young man prophesied by Joel and so many saints.
And that he who hears you hears Me, he who despises you despises Me and he who offends you offends Me. And the offenses done to Me will not be forgiven in any way, neither in this life nor in the next."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
The Miracle of the Sun and of the Candle*
Prayers of Our Lady of Jacarei
Holy Hours given by Our Lady in Jacarei
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Apparition of Our Lord at Paray-Le-Monial