Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, February 10, 2024
Apparition and Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace on February 7, 2024 - 33rd Anniversary of the Jacareí Apparitions (≰)
I Am the Only Hope of This Lost Generation, Completely Contaminated by Sin and the Forces of Evil

(St. Joseph and St. Agatha of Catania appeared and gave no public message)
(Most Holy Mary): "My son Marcos, I come again from Heaven to give My Message to My children through your mouth, oh My beloved and favorite servant!
I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace, 33 years ago I came from Heaven to call the whole world to prayer, to conversion: the only way to achieve and possess true peace.
So many years have passed and My Immaculate Heart has spent year after year here calling all My children to listen to the echoes of love from My Heart which is beating with love for them all.
Convert! Change your life!
Without conversion, there is no salvation.
Without conversion, there is no peace.
Without conversion, there are no miracles.
Without conversion, there are no graces.
Without conversion, there is no mercy.
Without conversion, there is no future for humanity.
So start truly seeking conversion and dedicating yourself to changing your innermost heart. Renouncing all your sins, fighting your faults, renouncing your vices, embracing what is heavenly, what is the Lord's, doing good works to please Him and give Him glory and praise.
In this way, you will truly fulfill all My messages and your life will be love for God, because I came here to ask for more love for God!
I am the only hope of this lost generation, completely contaminated by sin and the forces of evil.
Only by obeying My messages can this generation be saved and have peace. So start obeying all My messages again, so that My peace and My Flame of Love can triumph in you.
My little son Marcos, today with My husband Joseph and My daughter Águeda from Catania, I come from Heaven to thank you for all these years of service and dedication to Me.
Your life is a song of undeniable love for Me.
Your life is a continuous hymn of love for Me, which has lasted 33 years.
Your life is a luminous ray from My Immaculate Heart, which dispels the darkness of this world that is completely contaminated and dominated by the forces of evil.
You are the only hope of this generation and you said it very well: Those who are children of the light love you. They believe in all the messages you proclaim. They believe in the words of light that come from your mouth.
It's only the children of evil, the Cains, the reprobates who don't accept or love you.
So be at peace in your heart and continue on the road to holiness on which I placed you, on which I placed you 33 years ago and on which you remain to this day.
You've never failed Me, you've never given Me any grief, you've only ever been happy, you've only ever worked for Me, you've only ever lived for Me, you've only ever existed for Me.
Everything, everything I have here, everything I have today in the hearts of My children who have also received from Me: grace, My Flame of Love, peace. If I can act in them, I owe it all to you.
And if this country still exists and hasn't been struck down by the rays of Divine Justice, it's all down to you.
Yes, if this world still exists and hasn't yet been devoured by the fire of Heaven and Astro Eros, it's all down to you.
If this world has not been completely dissolved in the infernal fire of the Three Days of Darkness, it is because of you.
So I thank you, My son, for everything, everything you have done for Me. You have moved My Heart with your tears of love today by speaking of Me, of My love, of My appearance to you.
Yes, do you remember when I hugged you?
Do you remember the tears you shed?
Do you remember the love beats of My Heart for you?
Do you remember the kisses I imprinted on your forehead?
Always remember that, because that is your greatest treasure, it is your strength, it is your greatest joy.
At that moment we both merged into a single Flame of Love and nothing can ever separate us again. I bless you, I love you!
And to you too, My son Carlos Tadeu, I thank you and bless you for coming. Keep praying the Rosary of My Flame of Love No. 5 throughout this month. Through it, I will pour great graces into your soul.
I want all My children to pray the Rosary of Mercy no. 114 three times.
I bless you, My son Carlos Tadeu, who has brought Me so much joy, consolation and love.
And to all My children who serve and love Me here.
To My children who fulfill My messages with love.
To you My son Marcos, My ray of light, My hope, My consolation and My love, I bless you: from Pontmain, from Lourdes and from Jacareí."
"Dear son Marcos, because of the sacrifice of your headache this week you have saved 196,000 souls.
And because of this sacrifice offered by the pilgrims, I am now also pouring out 128 blessings on My children.
Do you remember the first time you saw Me how you ran away from Me in fear?
Do you also remember when I called you with My hand and you were afraid to approach Me, trembling?
Do you also remember the times when you escaped from your house, to get away from those who wanted to kill you?
So small, so helpless, without your father to protect you. The most helpless of My little children, but also the strongest, the bravest, the most passionate, burning with love for Me.
That's why, with you and for you, I was able to do great things, a great work. A work that should have been done elsewhere, with another seer who didn't obey Me. But you did, that's why the grace was given to you, the victory will be yours, the triumph will be yours.
Yes, thanks to you, the bravest and most dedicated of My children, always love, always Marcos, My Heart will triumph!
Satan is now strongly attacking the world and this year he will attack even more strongly. But My Immaculate Heart will win, because the merit of your yes, united with mine, will obtain from the Father the miracle of the triumph of his merciful love and the victory of My Immaculate Heart.
Onwards My knight, always love, always Marcos!
I will always be with you and I will never leave you..."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
Prayers of Our Lady of Jacarei
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary