Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, July 10, 2022
Apparition and Message of Our Lady - Anticipated Feast of the 75th Anniversary of the Apparitions of the Mystic Rose in Montichiari to Pierina Gilli
Be the Mystical Roses White of Prayer, Red of Sacrifice, and Yellow of Penance

JACAREÍ, JULY 10, 2022
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, I am the Mystical Rose, I come again from Heaven to tell you: Prayer, Sacrifice, Penance! Do all these if you want to save your souls.
Be the mystical roses white of prayer, red of sacrifice, and yellow of penance. Pray much every day, for he who prays saves himself, he who does not pray condemns himself.
Whoever does not pray cannot receive the graces from the Lord and from My Heart that he needs to be holy and to reach Heaven.
He who prays little puts himself at risk of condemnation.
Whoever does not pray has neither the spiritual defense, nor the spiritual strength to resist the temptations of the devil and the world.
Make sacrifices for the conversion of sinners and for peace in the world, because certain kinds of demons that cause wars, discord, and also passions that blind and bewitch the souls of sinners, can only be cast out with fasting and sacrifices.
Do penance in atonement for the sins of yourselves and of the souls of the whole world, so that then the punishments may be cancelled and may give way to the mercy of the Lord. Yes, do all this, for on this depends the peace of the world, the peace of the whole humanity.
If you don't pray a lot and make a lot of sacrifices next year, there will be a great chastisement.
Pray, pray a lot, because the sins of the world increase day by day and the prayers and sacrifices do not increase in the same proportion, so that I can stop the punishments that the world deserves for its sins.
Help Me with more prayers and sacrifices, My children, for it is the only hope of humanity.
My little son Marcos, once again I come from heaven to tell you: Yes, your obedience delights My Heart and the Heart of My son Jesus. Your sense of responsibility, of zeal for Me, for My son, for the work that I have entrusted to you, all of this, enchants My Heart so much that I cannot help but say, "Mom is very happy and proud of you for these 31 years of so many responsibilities that you have taken on with so much love and so much zeal, for love of Me, for love of souls, for love of My work of salvation here.
Yes, so responsible, always responsible, always Marcos!
Yes, always responsible you have been during these 31 years, fulfilling with great love and faithfulness the tasks I have given you.
Always responsible in bringing My messages to the knowledge of My children every day, always more. And trying by all means to bring to everyone's knowledge: My maternal love, My messages, and thus make Me triumph in their hearts.
So responsible, taking care of My Shrine here for so many years, working hard from Sunday to Sunday, every day, without rest, vacation or day off. All to give Me a roof, a home for Me, for My son Jesus, for My children to have a refuge of prayer, to have here an invincible fortress of faith, of prayer, where they can find Me and where I can pour all My torrents of graces upon them.
So responsible, trying by all modern means to spread My messages to My children, always looking for the most effective, the fastest and the most perfect means so that My words of love and My grace can reach the hearts of so many of My children who need Me, so that they can find salvation and peace of heart.
So responsible, taking care of the works of My Shrine, taking care also of My Monastery, where I desire to form the great Apostles of the Last Times to announce to the whole world My maternal word of love and to take My love to the souls.
So responsible, working with very heavy stones, with very heavy tools, with very heavy materials to build this My Chapel, this My House.
So responsible, trying by all means to get the necessary funds to finish My house here and to give Me a beautiful Shrine, an invincible fortress of faith and prayer, where My children will always find My grace. And from where I will be able to make My glory shine for the whole world.
Yes, so responsible, working whole days and nights to make the wonderful films of My Apparitions, of the life of the Saints. So that My children can know Me, know My messages of pain and love, dry My tears, giving Me their yes, and transforming themselves into unceasing flames of love. Who devote their lives entirely to comforting Me, to loving Me, to making Me known and loved, so that in this way My heart can triumph in the whole world.
Yes, so responsible, so zealous, always Marcos!
Yes, so responsible, always responsible, trying in every way to save souls and to bring the souls of My children to Me, measuring neither effort, nor fatigue, nor sacrifice.
Always responsible! So responsible, risking your own life so many times to build My Shrine, to bring My messages to My children, to save souls and to always keep prayer alive in this place.
How many times you almost lost your life in the attacks, dangers you suffered all for love of Me, all for love of souls, all for love of the world.
So responsible, so zealous, always Marcos!
Always vigilant, always praying, always persevering, always faithful, always constant, always Marcos!
Always responsible, always zealous, suffering through all these years illness after illness. And offering everything with great love to Me for the salvation of souls, for Father himself, for one soul in particular, and for the souls of so many of My children who need Me so much.
Yes, always responsible, always Marcos, always love!
Yes, always responsible, always trying by all means to live continuously in prayer and taking My word through the radio, through TV, through books, through films, through the Hours of Prayer, which consumed so many thousands of hours, so many years of your life. Everything for Me, everything for the souls.
Always responsible, always zealous, always love, always Marcos!
Yes, the flame of your flame of love for Me rises high towards Heaven, My son. And when it touches Heaven, then the Holy Spirit will come in a Second Pentecost upon the whole world renewing all peoples and nations, scorching them in the knowledge of truth and true love.
Then My Immaculate Heart will triumph and the infernal empire will fall to the ground. Then I will proclaim My greatest victory in the universe. And the Lady of all peoples, who was first Mary of Nazareth and is now Queen and Messenger of Peace, will finally give peace to the world.
And what the Lord God began with My 'yes' in the house of Nazareth, He will finally finish here. And the copious redemption of My son will be poured out upon the whole world, renewing all peoples and nations with the power of My Flame of Love and the Holy Spirit.
Then Satan will find himself from one minute to the next with nothing, as if by magic defeated and imprisoned forever in eternal fire. Then the world will have a thousand years of peace!
Yes, not only your sense of responsibility and zeal, of obedience, but also your spirit and sense of sacrifice, today My son, to be thanked and praised.
Thank you, for sacrificing yourself for so many years, putting aside your rest, your comfort. So many times even the care of your own health, all for Me, all for My children. For the thousands of cenacles performed, so many thousands and thousands of hours dedicated to Me, dedicated to souls, dedicated to saving souls for Me.
Thank you! So sacrificed, so responsible, always love, always Marcos!
Always, always faithful, always sacrificed, accepting all the infirmities that I asked of you and always offering for the salvation of My children. Of many who are even here and who only thanks to your prolonged and continuous martyrdom, to your sacrifices of love. Only in this way could they have the chance to be touched by My Flame of Love.
Always sacrificed, accepting with love all the infirmities that I sent you and asked you for, offering for the father himself, to give him the greatest degree of sanctity on Earth, the greatest graces and blessings, and the most beautiful and glorious dwelling in Heaven.
Always love always Marcos!
So sacrificed, accepting with love all the infirmities and pains that I have asked you, that I have sent you. And continually offering for this country that so often paid with ingratitude the graces, messages and signs that I sent to it for its salvation.
Because of you, because of your spirit of sacrifice, of love for suffering, you obtain for this country so many blessings, so many graces that it would never deserve. And you take away from it so many punishments it deserves every day for the indecency, immorality, lack of faith, lack of prayer, vices and so many sins it commits every day.
So sacrificed, always love, always Marcos!
So sacrificed, accepting with so much love the infirmities and sufferings that I sent you and allowed you, offering always with so much charity for the souls in Purgatory, who by millions go up to Heaven every year, thanks to your sufferings offered for them.
Yes, Saul did not understand that what God wanted was not animal sacrifices, sacrifice of victims, but: obedience, love, faithfulness.
This is why the Lord looks so lovingly at you and Me too My son, because you understood this quickly and perfectly, that what God wants: is love, is faithfulness, is obedience, is loving submission in the cross, in suffering, in the cross, in pain, faithfulness to His plans and His will. That is why you attract to your country and to the whole world so many, many graces of love!
So sacrificed, always offering all the sufferings that I allowed you and sent you offering for Portugal, for Italy, for France, for Spain, for America, for so many countries every day achieving for them so many and so copious graces.
Always love, always Marcos!
So sacrificed, accepting sufferings, persecutions, calumnies, betrayals, injustices with so much patience and love, and offering everything, everything for My plans so that they can be perfectly realized.
Thanks to you My plan is advancing despite the efforts and obstacles placed by Satan and all My children who are the predestined ones are being reached by My Flame of Love, which will soon lead them all to a greater degree of holiness and love for the Lord.
So sacrificial, so faithful, so zealous, always love, always Marcos!
Yes, so sacrificial, giving up all personal plans, all personal desires, having a heart poor of earthly desires, wanting only what I want, doing everything to please Me and to love Me always.
Always love, always Marcos!
Always open to the new, never, never closed to the newness, to the good news coming from Heaven. That is why I also chose you, because you always accepted the new, the new of the Lord.
You opened your heart and mind to accept the Lord's plans, the good news coming from Heaven without questioning, without placing conditions. Therefore, My Flame of Love, never, never encountered obstacles in your heart. And because of this, you have never failed, you have never failed with Me and with the Lord.
Rejoice My son, because you are a true mystical rose red of sacrifice and love. Of offering love, of sacrificed love that enchants the eyes of the Holy Trinity.
For all this, for the merits of so many and so many sacrifices, so many and so many works of love. Today, I give you a great grace: four million blessings just for you.
For your father Carlos Tadeu, I now give 9 million blessings, fruits of the merits of his spirit of sacrifice, of love for Me. And on My children who are here today I pour 10,502 blessings that they will receive again on September 13th of this year and on February 7th of next year. On February 12th of next year, their birthday, I will give them new graces, I will give them 20,000 blessings, fruits of the merits of their spirit of sacrificed love, offering and always faithful to Me.
Spread My messages from Montichiari to the world, give the film Voices from Heaven No. 8 to 15 of My children. Also give the movie Lourdes #5 to 14 of My children, and the Rosary of Mercy meditated #114 to 7 of My children who do not know it. So that they will meditate on My messages of love and be converted before it is too late.
I bless everyone again today: from Montichiari, from Lourdes and from Jacareí."
Seer Marcos Tadeu prays the Our Father and the Gloria together with Our Lady
(Blessed Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these holy objects arrives, there I will be alive with My daughter Rosa Crucifixa, My daughter Pierina and My daughter Rosa de Viterbo carrying the greatest graces from My Immaculate Heart.
I bless you all again to be happy and especially you My little son Carlos Tadeu, I love you with all My heart, I give you today My monthly message:
(Blessed Mary): "I love you, I will always be by your side and I will never leave you.
Do not be afraid of anything, because My Immaculate Heart is always 10 steps ahead of youmy son, already keeping all evils away from you. And smoothing the path full of stones and thorns so that your feet can walk without being hurt so much on the hard road that leads to Heaven.
Yes, My child, even before you wake up I am vigilant and I am already removing 100 evils from your life, from your day, and reaching out and pouring over you 1000 blessings from the Lord.
So you should fear nothing, because My blessings are far more numerous than all the tribulations, all the trials that come to you. Yes, My roses are much more numerous than the thorns, My graces are more numerous.
I will always be by your side pouring these graces on you, and everyone who loves you will be blessed, and those who were against David were cursed by the Lord. So also, will be all those who are for you and not against you.
Throughout this month tell My children of My great love for My little son Marcos. Repeat to them the messages that I have given lately here speaking of the son that I have given you. So that they understand the great grace they have received in knowing My little son Marcos, that they understand the great grace I have given them in knowing the most obedient son, the most faithful and most dedicated servant I have on the whole earth.
So that in this way, these children of Mine will understand the seriousness and the greatness of the work to which they have been invited to enter. And so, they will take My messages and their duties seriously by fulfilling them faithfully and zealously every day.
Meditate also, for the next 3 weeks every day, the messages I gave recently on the 3rd, the 7th and today explaining and revealing the soul of the son I gave you. So that you also understand and feel how great was the grace I gave you in giving you as a son My little son Marcos, My ray of light always responsible, always zealous, always sacrificed, always love!
So that then, you too, little son, will understand what a great grace, honor, privilege and favor I have given you. And so, your soul exults with joy and you too feel the desire to be united even more deeply with the son I have given you just as David and Jonathan were united to fulfill the Lord's will.
Had there not been Jonatas' friendship for David, Jonatas' love for David, David would have been killed by Saul and the Lord's plan would have been thwarted and the enemy would have triumphed.
Thanks to Jonathan's love for David, David was saved and was able to fulfill his mission. Yes, the love of the two was necessary and was indispensable for the fulfillment of the Lord's plans.
So also, the union and love of your heart with that of My little son Marcos is necessary for the fulfillment of the Lord's plans and My plans for this generation, for this nation.
So the more you unite with him, the more you merge with him like Jonatas and David the more My powerful Flame of Love will act to save the whole world and all mankind.
So, My son, renounce any and every obstacle that could hinder this union, hinder this union. So that then, finally, My plan will be realized for the good of so many millions of My children who need My grace to be saved, grace emanating from this place.
Just as Jonathan protected, defended David's humanity so that he could realize the Lord's plan, so too you must: protect, support, care for, watch over the humanity of the son I have given you. And he in turn will take care of your soul, your spirituality.
In this way, taking care of each other, you will fulfill My plan of love and the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart will be accomplished without rival or obstacle.
Pray during this entire month of July, including in the cenacles, the Rosary of Peace meditated No. 9, so that My children may see My glory, feel My love, and give Me their hearts.
I am close to their hearts and every beat of their hearts rises to Mine like arrows of love. And My Heart rushes down to help you and sustain you in all the moments of your life.
I bless you all and I say: Thanks to the sacrifices and sufferings of My son Marcos, and to the merits of this and his life's work, many of you will go to Heaven. And at the hour of death, you will see the merits of My little son Marcos transformed into many gold coins given charitably and lovingly by him to you, offered by him to you.
And then, you will gain entrance into Heaven, and many will stay very little in Purgatory, thanks to the merits of My little son Marcos offered by you. Otherwise, you would stay there for many, many years, suffering in those terrible flames.
This is all the fruit of the love that before God is everything and does everything.
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Listen to the radio Messenger of Peace
Further reading...
The Apparation of Our Lady at Jacareí
The Apparation of Our Lady at Montichiari