Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Second Apparition of this Day

(Sacred Heart of Jesus): "My children, I, Jesus, your God, come today on the Feast of my Mother, to tell you: Blessed is the man who loves Mary, my Mother.
Blessed is the man who made Mary, my Mother, his all.
Blessed is the man who has in Mary, my precious Mother, his treasure.
Blessed is the man who suffers for My Mother Mary injustices, calumnies, persecutions, because to him I will give the Kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed is the man who dries Mary's tears, My Mother with her prayers, sacrifices, with her love. For truly I say to you, I will dry his tears for all eternity and will not allow him to go crying and gnashing his teeth forever in the eternal flames.
Blessed is the man who draws the swords of pain that the world clings to my Mother's heart. For truly I say to you, at the hour of his death I will not allow the demons to drive his fiery darts from hell and I will not allow them to carry him into the eternal flames. Rather, I will come to him with my mother and take him with me to heaven where he will enjoy forever the eternal delights beside me and my mother.
Blessed is he who, out of love for my Mother, patiently accepts to lose everything, everything according to the world, out of love for my Mother. For truly I say to you, to this I will give everything and a hundred times over in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed is the man who gives all his life to My Mother, who consecrates himself to Her, who loves Her with all his heart as I have loved Her and imitates My example of love and obedience to My Mother. Because to this man I will truly call him My brother before My Father, I will recognize him before My Angels, I will declare him true son of My Mother and brother Mine.
And then the Father, the Holy Spirit and I will embrace him and give him the crown of eternal life and receive him forever into Our Heavenly Home.
Blessed is the man who truly dedicates his entire life to Mary, as Our beloved Marcos did. Because he is all My Mother's and My Mother is all His, and just as My Mother is all His, I who am the blessed fruit of Her womb, am also all His and He is all Mine.
Truly I say to you, whoever gives himself totally to Mary as our beloved Marcos, to this I will also give myself totally together with my Mother. I will give Him all Our Love, all Our Graces, all Our Blessings and to Him we will reveal the secrets of Our Hearts, which We only reveal to Our closest friends, to Our children who truly and entirely give themselves and give themselves to Us.
Blessed is the man who truly speaks of My Mother, spreads devotion to My Mother's Rosary, spreads the glories, the prerogatives of My Mother, the Messages of My Mother, because to him who declares Himself for My Mother before men I will also declare Myself for him before My Father, the Angels and the Saints in Heaven.
Blessed is the man who weeps for My Mother, for seeing My Mother suffering for so many sins of the world, for so many ungrateful children who do not love Her, who do not obey Her. Even after seeing Her Signs, receiving Her Graces and hearing Her laments.
Because to him who cries for My Mother, I too will dry his tears, I too will come to him at the moment of his death, I too will dry his tears. And before my heavenly Father I will ask for him, weep for him, and beg for him, saying, Father, do not separate from me the beloved brother, who on earth has had such pity on my mother's sorrows. I love him, give me the beloved brother who had pity on my mother and consoled my mother so much.
And I tell you, the Father will give it to me and together we will be happy forever and I will dry your tears for all eternity in my Father's house in heaven.
Today on the day that you celebrate my Mother as Queen of your Homeland I tell you: Return to my Mother and I too will return my graces, miracles and wonders to you.
Return to My Mother and I will return My Holy Face to you. Return your hearts to my Mother and I will return my Sacred Heart to you.
Turn your gaze to my Mother and I will turn my merciful gaze to you and to Brazil. Whoever turns his heart to My Mother, his gaze to Her will turn to Me and I too will turn my benevolent and loving Face to forgive, love and save him.
Yes, when Brazil definitely returns to My Mother, to My Mother's Heart. Then my Sacred Heart will pour out on this Earth that I so love the powerful graces of my Divine Flame of Love. And this flame will act so powerfully in Brazil that it will truly transform them into a great furnace of Love.
I love you so much, I do not want your condemnation, so I say to you: Give me your heart through my Mother and I will also give you mine. I am and will always be devoted to my Mother as my Maximilian Maria Kolbe said.
And you, if you want to be My true disciples, must also be devoted and obedient children of My Mother.
Learn from me that more glory is given to the Eternal Father by loving and obeying my Mother, by performing the greatest miracles and public wonders and preaching throughout the world to enchant and impress the crowds.
It is truly necessary to announce everywhere: That it is because My Mother is not loved, that I am not loved. Make My Mother be loved and then souls will feel the need to love the blessed fruit of Her womb, which is Me.
I love you so much and Here in this Sacred Place where today I have made you see once again the sign of the Sun through My power, to confirm to you that I and My Mother are Here. That it was We who chose you, who called you with love, who separated you from the world with love and who took everyone out of this world where you would surely be lost and condemned.
Here, today once again with love I bless Paray-Le-Monial, Dozule and Jacareí".
Message of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to Carlos Thaddeus the father of the seer Marcos Thaddeus
"Beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, this Message is only for you.
My Sacred Heart loved you before you were even born. Yes, I saw you there in the Eternal Ab with my Father, with the Holy Spirit. And I have decreed with the Father and the Spirit to create you to be a gift of Mine to my beloved Mother.
That is why I created you with much love, I cared for you in your creation so that truly in your heart you could welcome My Mother, make in your heart a beautiful palace of love for My Mother. And truly in your heart to meet my Mother and in my Mother to draw all the graces, all the blessings of my Sacred Heart.
I raised you with great love and kindness so that in you, my son, I can realize the wonders of my Grace together with my Mother. Yes, I lovingly wove each cell, each member of your body so that truly you could be the wonderful work of my Sacred Heart and my Mother's Heart.
You cannot imagine how much I love you in the Garden of Olives when I agonized and softened blood for the thought of souls that even after my death they would not enjoy the benefits of my Passion, the fruits of my Redemption.
What comforted Me was the thought of my beloved son Marcos and the thought of you. Yes, truly in those hours when I was dying and sweating blood there, I had almost no other consolation but the knowledge of your future love for my Mother and for me, the knowledge of the great works of love you would do for her and for me, together with our beloved Marcos.
And this thought comforted Me and My Mother, who in the Cenacle also swallowed blood and agonized at the same time as I, you were together with Our most beloved Marcos a drop of honey in the bitter chalice that We at that moment drank and drank to the end.
So son, rejoice, rejoice and follow in precisely this: consolation for my Mother's heart, consolation for my Heart that still suffers and is wounded by every sin of every man today.
In your life, in your prayers, in your love for my Mother and for me I find all the delights of my Sacred Heart.
Continue loving the son I gave you who is also Mine, who is My Mother's. We have given you the most dearest, most precious treasure of Our Hearts. Love him and you will be united with Me and with My Mother, love your soul and heart more and more with him, so that truly together your hearts will beat with Mine and with Our Mother's Heart.
And so, Our Hearts in one accord of Love will truly produce the outpouring of My Holy Spirit at the Second World Pentecost and also the worldwide outpouring of My Flame of Love, My Mother's Flame of Love into all hearts producing the Triumph of Our Hearts.
Go, My Son, continue being the consolation of My Heart. Continue to be the consolation of My Mother's Heart, for I will transform you as I transformed My little son Marcos into the delight of Our Hearts.
To you now I especially and generously bless".
(Blessed Mary): "Dear children of mine, today when you celebrate Me here as the Queen of Brazil, I come again to tell you: I am the Queen of the Land of the Holy Cross, Brazil, and therefore I will triumph on this Land, transforming it from a swamp of sin into a garden of beauty, grace, holiness and love!
I am the Queen of the Land of Holy Cross and therefore I will truly make My Flame of Love work marvelous wonders here, to lead My children to the true conversion of heart that leads to salvation.
From here, from Jacareí which is My second heaven, which is My earthly garden, which is My garden of delights, My paradise of rest and My maternal refuge of love.
I am the Queen of the Land of the Holy Cross and from here in Jacareí I will make My mystical light overshadow satan, blind satan, destroy your diabolical plan of sin, evil, violence and dislove.
From here I will truly make the light of my Immaculate Heart reduce to nothing all the works that Satan has proudly raised up and I will finally return to my son Jesus, the Father, Brazil and the whole world that belong to me.
Yes 300 years ago I began the work of salvation in Brazil. And here I will finish them gloriously in the word, in the work and in the person of My son Marcos I will emanate so much light, I will emanate so much the brightness of My glory. I will radiate so much and so powerfully my Flame of Love that I will truly make hearts burn like a glowing furnace of love for God and for Me.
And so, as snakes flee from the heat of the fire, the demons will be driven out and finally flee from Brazil. For truly Here I will have souls burning with My Flame of Love against which Satan can do nothing.
I am the Queen of the Land of Holy Cross and today I solemnly repeat to you what some time ago, on the same day today Here I told you and promised you: By work, by faithfulness, by obedience, by love, by the merits of the Rosaries, of the movies, of My Apparitions, of all Holy Hours and of all that My little son Marcos did and does for love of Me. I will save Brazil, I will destroy the diabolical empire of Satan Here, I will rid Brazil of all evils and dangers and transform Brazil into the garden of My Immaculate Heart.
This Miracle has already begun to happen this year before your eyes and I will truly continue to save the Land of the Holy Cross that belongs to Me and that one day will also be called the Land of St. Mary.
To all I ask, continue to pray my Rosary and all the prayers that I have given every day.
To you little children who pray My Rosary, who do My Cenacles everywhere, spreading My Messages today, I give My Blessing and Indulgence also to all the apostles of My Heart.
And to you my most beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, whom you have brought so much consolation, joy and joy to my Heart, today on the day of my Feast with his presence here. To you I now give my blessing in abundance.
Do not suffer for the injustices they have done to you, because as I said I am not blind, I see everything, I know everything and I have already advocated your cause in heaven. Justice will come and everyone will see, not only the beauty of your innocence, but also the greatness of your faith.
Therefore son, remain in Me, remain in Love and I will always remain in you. The signs I have given lately are to console you, to encourage you and to show you that I have truly fulfilled My Word.
I am alive close to you, accompanying you everywhere, pouring out my graces, my rays of light, my graces of love upon you.
Continue caring and loving My treasure, Our son, Mine and yours. Because it is truly the greatest gift of my Heart to you and the full, complete sign of how much I love you, how much I trust you and how much I have placed in you all my love, all my hope!
To you and to all my children I now bless with Love of Fatima, of Aparecida and of Jacareí.
(Mary Most Holy): "Every day we love you more. Good night My children. Go in the Peace of the Lord".