Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Message of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

(Marcos): Yes my Lord and my God, I love you with all my heart. Give me your Mother's Flame of Love so that I can love you as she loved you as much as I can, imitate her in her love for you. And give me your Flame so that I may love your Mother with your own love, to give joy, love, satisfaction and contentment to her as you did.
Yes. Yes. I feel myself on fire inside Jesus, on fire with love for you and for your Mother. I feel myself melting, burning inside oh my God, fire of Love! Your Love burning, burning, consuming even more makes the soul want to consume itself.
Oh, my God, increase this Flame in me to fullness so that I may love you and love your Mother with love without interruption, just as the Angels and Saints love you in Paradise.
I want to love You Jesus not to feel the pleasure that this Flame gives, but I want to love you to give You the satisfaction, the joy and the love of seeing You with Your Mother perfectly loved by Me, without interruption, without rest, like a candle that burns and never goes out and always radiates the warmth of love and the light of love around it.
Give me your Flame, so that I may burn more and more until I become a fire of pure love for you.
Yes, dear Mother, please bless this image of your mother Saint Anne with you that I want to send to a person whom I love very much and who suffers very much, works and sacrifices himself for you".
(Sacred Heart of Jesus): "My beloved children, today on the Feast of my Body and Blood and on the Feast of my Mother's Apparition in Caravaggio to our Blessed Giannetta Vacchi, I come again to tell you: Great is my Love for you! Great is my love that made me descend from the stars, incarnate myself in the Immaculate and most pure bosom of my Most Holy Mother and make me a man to suffer for your salvation.
Great is my love for you, who has made me live beside her a whole life of humiliation, obedience, submission, poverty. To give you the example of humility, of love to suffer, of love to hide, so that you can understand which path leads to Heaven: it is the path of humility, of humiliation itself, it is the path, of hiding, the path of love that will lead you higher and higher, to Heaven, to the arms of My Father, to My arms also.
Great is my love for you that made me want to stay with you until the end of the world in consecrated bread and wine to be the nourishment of your souls, to be your strength and your companion in the journey to Heaven.
But what do men do before this love? They step on My Love, they step on My Heart, they step on all the trials of love that I have given them throughout my life. They step especially on my Sacrament of Love, which is nothing more than myself and also the renewal of my Sacrifice of Love on the Cross, when consumed with pain I gave my life for the salvation of all humanity.
They step on My Love, they step on My Heart despising Me, sacrificing Me.
They hold unholy Masses full of sacrileges, disrespect, irreverence and disorder and much, much more. And much more than this, the worst is not yet this, the worst is that many priests no longer believe in Me, nor in My Mother, they do not even believe in Heaven and Hell. They don't even believe in the existence of the soul, and many of them have neglected, despised prayer and sacrifice, and have embarked on the path of pleasures and honors of this world by becoming the cloachs of impurity that My Mother spoke of in La Salette.
Their hands are dirty and because they do not believe in Me, they no longer believe in the dogmas that have to teach the people their Masses have no value before Me. I do not accept them and because I do not accept them I do not descend into those altars profaned by so many sacrileges and also by hands dirty of sin and of the betrayal of Judas.
Because of this, the light of true faith has disappeared in the world, the light of love has disappeared My children, the light of truth has disappeared and the world has plunged into the darkness of lies, sin and the search for all capital sins. These now dominate, reign and humanity as an agonizing languishing at the gates of spiritual death, because capital sins dominate in families, in religious orders, in the world, in the Church, obscuring and understanding everything with the smoke of Satan.
Therefore, today I come to ask you: Love My Love by giving your heart to My Love. Love My Love by corresponding to My Love more and more each day and letting yourself truly be more and more molded, molded by My Love.
I seek souls of true love, I seek souls of true charity, souls who truly want to love Me, love My Mother with all their strength and correspond to Our Love with all their views. That is why I have come here to Jacareí, to call you to this Love, to burn you with this Flame of Love that will make you truly like My Angels in Heaven who burn and consume themselves in flames of love for Me and for My Mother incessantly.
This love that I want, that I want to put and find in your hearts can only spring forth, be born in you if the disordered love for yourself and the world comes out first. Therefore, renounce and put out of your hearts all the inordinate love of yourselves and of the world, so that truly my Flame of Love may enter into you and realize in you its great wonders.
See My children that now I persecute sinners and I persecute you with My Graces, because it is time for Mercy. But soon I will persecute you with My Punishments, so convert now before it is too late, because the hour of My Mercy is about to end and the hour of My Justice is about to begin.
Love My Mother in Her Apparition at Caravaggio, because She came down to Caravaggio to tell you, 'My children, I love you, love the Lord and stop offending Him so cruelly with your sins. No longer sin, fast, do penance, change your life and live a life of true love for me and my Son Jesus.
Yes, live this Message from My mother and you will be saved. Caravaggio like Jacarei, are the great trials of our great love for you.
Happy are those who believe in these trials of love and correspond to them. Blessed and cursed are those who despise these trials of love and do not correspond to them, because the unquenchable fire that will devour them has been burning for them since the beginning of the world.
To all I bless with Love my Mother from Caravaggio, Montichiari and Jacareí".
(Gianetta Vacchi): "Dear My Brothers, today I rejoice in coming for the first time here in Jacari with the Lord, with My Most Holy Queen Mary, with My Brother Geraldo to say to all of you: I love you, I love you with all My heart and I pray for you night and day without ceasing there in eternal glory before the Lord and His Mother for your good, for your salvation and for your eternal happiness.
Today I come to ask you: Love the Mother of God with all your heart, love the Mother who loved you first, before you knew her, before you loved her She loved you. When you were still enemies of Her and Our Lord for sin They loved you and gave their lives for you suffering all with love for your salvation.
Love, therefore, in the form of a Mother who loved you first. Love this Immaculate Heart that loves you the most. Love the Mother of God with all your sight, with all the strength of your heart despising you, despising your will, despising worldly things, despising the will of creatures, despising their seductions and temptations. That you may truly love the Mother of God with all your heart as I have loved her, giving your life to her complete service. So that through you as it was through Me the Word of Her may be known throughout the world, Her children may all know Her love and turn with confidence to the Heart that loves you the most, which is Her Heart.
Yes, love the Mother of God, She who came here to renew, to resurrect the Message that She gave me in Caravaggio through our beloved Marcos. Yes, because here the Message of Caravaggio is proclaimed with all its strength, with all its integrity, all its truth, all its beauty and all its light. And anyone who wants to see the light, to see the truth, Here he can see this truth, he can see this light and he can truly fill himself, flood himself with this mystical light.
Yes, Here through the Word and the person of Our dearest Marcos, the Message of Caravaggio is truly announced to the world without fear. And souls see the great goodness, the great love and mercy, the affection of the Mother of God, her care for all her children, especially those who suffer most as I did. Hearts are opened, they are enchanted, they fall in love with Her and feel in their hearts the need to love Her, to make reparation, to make amends, to console Her, to serve Her and to obey Her.
Then Her Heart triumphs in souls, triumphs in the world and Satan loses a little more of his power. Therefore, you must help our beloved Marcos to make all the Messages of the Mother of God, not only the ones She gives you here or that She gave me in Caravaggio, but all of them, so that humanity may know how great Her Love is for Her children, how much She has done and fought for the salvation of all. So that hearts may feel the need to love Her, comfort Her, dissatisfy Her, obey Her, give affection and love to Her. So that in this way Her Immaculate Heart may triumph and She may soon form the great Saints of the end times that She came to form and seek Here. So that then, the Lord, when He returns in His Glory, may find here a holy people for His love and praise.
Love the Mother of God, love the Heart that loves you the most, giving you totally to Her without reserve, giving your "yes" without limits and truly seeking to correspond each time, each day more and more to Her Grace, by wanting Her. So that from here the Flame of Her Love may burst forth and spread powerfully throughout the whole earth.
Live the Virtue of Obedience to Her as I have lived, obey Her in everything, above all, obey Our Most Beloved Marcos, who here sometimes makes Her close to you. So that truly the will of God and of Her may be fulfilled in your life. And above all, when you have to choose between Her will and the will of Our Most Beloved Marcos who represents her with you, despise and renounce your doing the will of the Mother of God.
So that you may truly have a clear conscience that all the time you have done only God's will and never yours. In this consists all holiness, perfect obedience, which repairs the disobedience of our first Fathers Adam and Eve, the disobedience of Lucifer, the disobedience of the evil angels who fell and the disobedience of all the reprobate who existed and will exist until the end of the world.
In your obedience the disobedience of all the rebels will be repaired and finally God will receive from you the perfect return, the satisfaction of all His Works.
I love you very much, I love my beloved Marcos who loves me with tender love, since 20 years ago when he met My life. He who during all these years has always tried to imitate My obedience to the Mother of God, My service always ready, My 'yes' and who, like Me in times of suffering, has resisted steadfastly in love and faith in God and Our Queen.
To him who loves me so much that he praises me and blesses me now, I truly bless him with great graces that today the Lord and the Mother of God have allowed me to give him. Yes, the Mother of God and I live near him who blesses us who praises us, who loves us. And whoever wants to feel us will come to him and feel us, will experience our love.
Let yourselves be loved by Us through Him and you will feel how great Our Love is for you.
I bless all of you also who love Caravaggio, who love the Message that Our Queen gave to Me there and that you spread it together with our beloved Marcos being their echoes where he cannot reach.
Yes, to all of you now I bless with great love Caravaggio, Montichiari and Jacareí.
Continue praying the Rosary of the Mother of God every day, We love you and every day I love you more and pray more for you in Heaven".
(Marcos): "Thank you, thanks Gianetta, grazie! Grazie for your coming here today! For so many years I wanted to see you, to know you, I wanted to embrace you today, I wanted to tell you today how much I love you, how much I admire you, how much I want you. And how much I also want to follow you on the path of true love for the Mother of God.
I wanted to tell you truly how important you are to me, how precious and dear you are to me. I burn with a fever of love, I die with love!
I would like Gianetta right now to die and go with you forever to Heaven, to love our Mother together and in a holy competition to live there continually competing with each other, to see who it is that gives her more love, more affection and more satisfaction, joy for all eternity.
I live of love Gianetta and I die of love and I want to die of love".