Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): My dear children, today I call you all once again to true love for God, to true love for Me, to true Flame of Love for Us.
"Open your hearts and truly let My Flame of Love enter, through the true, deep and sincere 'yes' of all of you to God and to Me, who am your Teacher on the path of holiness, perfection and love.
Truly take My Messages seriously and don't just listen to them without meditating on them and deepening them in your hearts. Give true fruits of holiness and obedience to My Voice by fulfilling My Messages. So that God does not get bored and end up getting tired of you and abandoning you to your own fate, seeing that you do not take My Words seriously and do not value them.
I have been leading you on the path of conversion and holiness for so long, but you refuse to rise in the degrees of true love. That is why you remain so cold, so weak in prayer, and so incapable of fulfilling what I say and of truly being powerful instruments, powerful servants, good servants in the service of Me and in working for the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart.
Today, I call all of you to truly become My servants out of love, My soldiers out of love and not out of obligation. So that truly through your love I may pour out My Flame of Love into the whole world and convert all hardened hearts and bring all My children who are far from My heart to Me.
When you begin to fulfill God's will and Mine in your lives, grace will be given to you. I desire true children to fight with Me, to fight for Me, for My Plan for the realization of My Triumph on Earth.
These are My children who truly love Me only because I am worthy of love, they obey Me only because I am worthy to be obeyed by all My children. It is to these children that I have come to seek Here, children who form around My Heart the most beautiful and fragrant crown of mystical roses of prayer of love, of sacrifice of love, of labor of love, of total self-giving to Me for love.
Now that the Anniversary of My Apparitions is approaching Here: Pray, pray and pray even more deeply and intensely. So that you may truly become the soldiers of love of my Immaculate Heart, through whom I will finally defeat Satan first in the lives of yourselves, then in the lives of those close to you and finally, in Brazil and throughout the world.
Do the prayer groups I have asked for everywhere by spreading My Apparitions and My Messages, for this is the only thing that can save Brazil and the whole world.
Continue praying My Most Sacred Rosary every day and all the prayers that I have given you here, in this Sacred Place, where I dwell day and night. And where My children who come to seek Me with true love and faith are rewarded with great blessings and great graces from My Heart.
To all I bless with love from Lourdes, Medjugorje and Jacareí".
(Saint Lucy): "My beloved brothers, I, Lucy of Syracuse, rejoice again to come to you to give you my blessing and my peace.
Pray, pray, pray! Not as you want, but as the Mother of God sent you here: in the days, hours and moments marked by her.
True obedience is shown first in this: in obeying and praying what She commanded you to pray on the day and at the time that She commanded you to pray.
Second, prove your love for the Mother of God by renouncing her will, her opinions and her will and accepting hers.
Then truly prove your love to her by giving your lives totally to her, giving your 'yes' totally to her. And at all times seek to serve her, love her and obey her, not in exchange for her graces, not even for the salvation and eternal happiness that she can give you. But only and only to give love, affection and joy to her.
Prove your love to her by serving her, choosing the hardest, most difficult jobs, the most tiring tasks that require the most sacrifice. So that truly your love may be true and sincere and the Mother of God may believe in your love and give her graces of salvation, peace and love to you.
You have been called here to true love, to the love in pure transformation that has formed the greatest saints of humanity. In you God will not admit a regulated, petty, weak love, a crazy love.
So open your hearts to an unlimited capacity for love. Dilate your hearts to this unlimited capacity to love the Virgin Mary by sacrificing yourself for her, giving yourself totally for her. And exercising each day your love for her, always serving her a little more, always working a little more for her.
Even when your flesh would like to have fun, it would like to rest, it would like to relax. Always try to be active, watching and working for this Mother. Because those who work for Her as it was said in Holy Scripture will have eternal life. 'Those who live for Me will have eternal life.
Happy, a thousand times happy is he who has this love, who lives this love and gives himself totally to this love for her. Because already here on earth you will receive from Her the greatest graces of love, the greatest consolations of Her Love, the greatest lights of Her Heart and of Her Love and you will already experience the joy that we Saints and the blessed feel in Heaven when we see Her, when we contemplate Her, when we love Her in eternal ecstasy of love.
Then the Blessed Vision of God and the Eternal Vision of the Virgin Mary will be only the consummation and crowning of the perfect united life that you will already have with Her here on earth in mortal flesh.
Continue praying the Holy Rosary every day, my Rosary and all the prayers that have been given to you here. Through these Heartfelt Prayers you will grow more and more in the life of union with the Mother of God.
And remember: Without sacrificing your own will, without renouncing your own opinions and without giving yourself more and more in your work for the Mother of God, without striving to grow in love, no one will be able to expand your heart to receive the Flame of Love from the Lord and the Mother of God with all its strength and in all its fullness.
I bless you all with the love of Syracuse, Catania and Jacari".