Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, January 1, 2015
New Year's Eve - Message of Mary Most Holy

Dear children of mine, today, on this first day of the new year that is born, I come from Heaven once again to tell you: I am the Queen of Peace!
I am the Queen of Peace and I have come from Heaven here in Jacareí to call you to the Peace of the heart, which only God can give, which only God grants. I came to call you to this Peace that only the heart that is immersed in God, the heart that has renounced sin, the heart that has given itself to God, truly and follows the path of the Lord. Only this heart possesses true Peace. And I have come to invite you to possess this Peace, which is within reach of each one of you and which is offered to you here every day for Me.
This Peace begins when you decide to follow with Me the way of prayer, of renunciation to the world, to yourselves, to the way of fulfillment of the Word of my Son Jesus, to the way of true love for God. Then, this Peace begins to be born in your heart and fills your soul so much that it overflows with it for all those around you.
Peace, Peace, Peace! Open your hearts to this Peace! Let this Peace enter into your hearts! I am the Queen of Peace and therefore I have the mission to lead you to this Peace and to bring this Peace to you.
Let me enter into your hearts with this Peace, that I want so much to make this Peace sprout, grow and bear fruit in you. So that the world torn apart by war, discord, violence and sin may finally savor the sweet and pleasant fruit of Divine Peace, the Peace of the Lord.
I am the Queen of Peace, who comes from Heaven every day to tell you: In sin there is no Peace, with sin you will never be blessed by God with Peace. All wars are born from the sins of men. If men would convert, repent of their sins, and leave their sins, God would send them all to Peace.
Begin your conversion by yourselves and then God will begin to bring peace into your lives and it will radiate from you to men all over the world. And then, the whole world will be taken by the Peace of the Lord and the Earth will become a little Paradise of Peace.
Keep praying My Rosary every day, because with it the world will finally find conversion and with conversion the Divine Peace.
Jejuai to have Peace from your heart. Fasting so that the world may have Peace. Just as wars are born from the sins of men, from pride, lust, greed, avarice, greed, so Peace is born from renunciation, fasting, penance and prayer.
Last year I accomplished a precious part of My Plan of Salvation in the world and this year I will advance one more stage of My Plan, which is developing, which is being accomplished perfectly and fully despite the bad correspondence of my children.
My Heart will triumph because the strength of My Triumph is in the Lord, in His Word who prophesied: I will put enmity between you and the Woman, She will crush your head.
In these Words of my Lord rests all the strength and power of the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart, which will surely come to pass. Therefore, little children, continue walking with me every day on the road of prayer, of love, of obedience to God, of fulfilling all my Messages, so that my Plan of Salvation may be realized in you and my Triumph may come quickly to you.
When some of My children no longer answer Me 'yes' I choose others and follow My Plan of Salvation always ahead and surely the righteous will triumph with Me.
Pray, pray, pray, because this year you will see great graces from my Immaculate Heart in your lives and in the world. I will continue here with you to guide you, as the Mother does with her little son who does not yet know how to walk, guiding you step by step to teach you how to walk on the path of grace, holiness, love of God.
Let yourselves be led by Me, let yourselves be taught to walk by Me and I will make you walk quickly on the path of holiness, love and perfection of your souls.
To all at this moment, today, I bless you with my special and maternal blessing, and especially you little children who carry on their breasts my Medal of Peace and my Gray Scapular of Peace, as well as all the other sacramentals. Now I bless you with the love of Lourdes, Medjugorje and Jacarei".