Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Message from Lovely Papa Saint Joseph

Dear children My! Today, I, JOSEPH, call you to open your heart to MyAMANTIC HEART. To deposit in them my Love, my Grace, my Peace, my Joy, my Light.
So that you may be My luminous mirrors in this world in darkness making the Light of Heaven shine in it.
Be My Illuminated Mirrors, reflecting to all souls My Love, My Goodness, My Purity, through your own purity, goodness and love. Trying to make each day more of your life a continuous act of love, a constant giving of yourself to the Lord and to the salvation of souls, and thus to give to the world a brilliant witness of true love, of divine love.
If you are these luminous mirrors that I want, your whole person will reflect Mine, your whole soul will reflect My Holiness, your whole action will reflect Mine. And then, as souls see My luminous presence in you, My luminous reflection will walk toward this Light and embrace this Light banishing forever the darkness of your being and your life, and so you will walk ever more toward the Light of the Lord.
Be My luminous mirrors, giving to all My children always more: the light of Prayer, the light of Virtues practiced by you and always more exercised, giving to all the Light of My Peace, which drives away all affliction, all despair. And so, My children, in the world, we will make My Light, the Divine Light, triumph over the darkness of Satan, of the world and of sin, and all souls like lush flowers will grow, receiving the Light from My Heart, which like a Sun makes all flowers bloom.
If you are the luminous reflections, the luminous mirrors of My Heart, it will be easy for us to overcome the darkness and cast My Mystical Light into so many hearts, so many families and so many nations!
Continue to do all the PRAYERS that I have given you Here, that We have given you Here, because through these PRAYERS My children, we are doing in your souls great holy works: of conversion, of sanctification, of spiritual improvement. You must put all your zeal and fervor into this, for on this depends your spiritual progress and that of so many and so many souls.
My LOVING HEART who chose this Holy Place, who chose my son MARCOS in the first place and then you, to transform you into extraordinary works of holiness so that the world can see the glory of God and finally give its heart to Him, in you, I want to accomplish wonders, in you my Heart wants to accomplish even greater works.
Therefore, from you: greater docility, greater correspondence and even greater obedience, I ask.
To all, at this moment, I bless with love and especially to you Marcos, the most beloved son of my LOVING HEART".