Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Queen of Angels Festival

Message of Mary Most Holy


Children dearest. Today at My Feast, when you contemplate Me as the RAIN OF THE ANGELS, I come to tell you:


...Seeking for your life to be more docile to them, to their inspirations, but above all; to the indications that they give you by daily events, so that you may follow the path of fulfilling God's Will: with promptness, with firmness, with a decisive spirit, without delay, without hesitation or doubt!

Love the Holy ANGELS more. Trying each day to let them guide you more by their action in your lives. Trust in them, for they love you with an immense Love, the Love of GOD Himself! They know the path that leads to Heaven, they have been put to the hard test at the Beginning of Creation and have been found worthy of the LORD! Therefore, they can help you, they can help you, you who are still being tested, tried and tested; before you can deserve eternal salvation after your death. They can help you to be faithful to God.

Above all, give yourselves to the holy angels so that they may teach you to forget yourself, to think more about the Lord, His Will, and how to fulfill it. Let yourselves also be healed by the holy angels, for often your souls are covered with wounds caused by sin and also by contact with the sick world and plunged into the evil in which you live.

Only by the Hands of the Holy ANGELS can you be healed of all spiritual illnesses and enjoy perfect soul health, to serve GOD with energy and claw.

Thus My children, each day you will grow in the way I call you, which is that of SANTITY. And at every moment you will feel the great happiness of having at your side not only a Mother and a Heavenly Father who loves you very much, but also your heavenly companions; these fellow Sisters of Grace who are the Holy Angels. And then you will be dazzled by the immense Love of the Lord, who has thought of everything for you, even in giving you an ever attentive and faithful companion!

Imitate the docility, obedience and trust that young TOBIAS had for SAINT RAFAEL ARCHANGEL, and then; your souls will relate in a perfect way with the holy ANGELS and your life will truly become a bundle* of Grace!

I bless you all with My Holy ANGELS now".

(alfobre*(1)Sowing bed; (2) Proper place for sowing and also rootstock).



