Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, May 25, 2007
Message of Saint Joseph

Son, have My PEACE! I am with you!
MY LOVE is a pearl of great value! And happy is the soul that renounces everything to possess it!
MY LOVE is so precious that only those who love us and desire more than life itself can make themselves worthy of it. A soul only proves that it is worthy of MY LOVE when it renounces everything for HIM!
A soul is only worthy of MY LOVE when they place us before and above all the other loves of this world.
Happy is the soul that loves MY LOVE and HIM is loved!
The soul that receives MY LOVE is always happy! For there is MY sweet LOVE that contemplates everything and overcomes everything!
Son to PEACE! PEACE to all".