Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, December 2, 2001
Message of Our Lady, Our Lord Jesus Christ and

From the Most Amiable Heart of St. Joseph
Message of Our Lady
"Dear children, I come again today to ask you for conversion. Another year is over. another time. another mark of your time is over. and many of you, my children, are still far, very far from holiness.
Understand that to be saved. to enter Heaven. it is not enough to be a mediocre and reasonable Christian. But it is necessary to be a saint, because nothing stained can enter Heaven. And that is why, my children, I keep appearing for so long here: because you are far from holiness. and I have the mission to guide you, to train you, to educate you, to strengthen you and to make you holy.
Little children, this Place. this Holy Place. is my school of holiness. here, I will make you climb the steps of the ladder of perfection. that same ladder that Jacob saw in his dream, where the Angels went up and down. I will make you climb this ladder until you reach heaven.
You must entrust yourself totally to Me. because I, Myself, am the Stairway of Holiness. whoever climbs by Me, will reach Heaven. whoever listens to My advice, in a short time, will reach an extreme degree of holiness.
Consecrate yourselves therefore to Me. The best Consecration to Me is the one that my Louis Maria Grignion de Montfort composed of Me. it is the most complete, because there, you detach yourselves completely from yourselves to belong totally to Me.
My children, consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate and Eucharistic Heart. speak with me at Communion time. I gave the Message about my Immaculate and Eucharistic Heart, but you did not understand it. Open your hearts. Receive Me in Holy Communion, together with My Son Jesus! If you open your hearts to me in Holy Communion. I will come in, and with me my Son will come in, and we will sup with your souls.
Little children, I have already given you many Messages, but you have not lived them. And that is why I am dressed like this, in Dolorosa.
That is why Tears do not cease to fall from My Eyes.
And that is why My Heart is pierced by very sharp thorns.
Your refusal to live My Messages is the reason for My sadness.
From now on, little children, live My Messages with all seriousness and with all the strength you are capable of.
It is your weakness that attracts Me to you. It is your miseries that make you do it. They still demand My Presence here. Otherwise, I would have returned to Heaven to begin the decisive events that will lead to the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart. If I left them now, who would be saved?
But, My children, this is not why you will waste your time. Do not waste time! Convert without delay! If My Triumph has not yet happened, it is only your fault. You have not obeyed My Messages! You did not spread My Messages! You have not made them known to all My children! And that is why Satan is still loose in the world, 'losing' souls. Dragging them to Hell. And causing so much harm on earth.
My children, wipe my tears. Rip out the thorns that wound My Heart. Doing the purpose of changing your life and making amends sincerely. If you do this, my great sorrow will be converted into joy. and my Immaculate Heart will soon triumph.
To all today I bless".
*Note: This message must be understood in the context of the time when it was given, when the apostasy of the Church was not as strong as it is now. Today going to Masses in Brazil means drinking pure poison from liberation theology, communism, diminishing the value of Our Lady, the saints, the Rosary, denying the existence of Hell, Heaven and other dogmas of faith and therefore it means putting your faith and your salvation at risk. Understand more about apostasy by asking the cd The great apostasy on the phone of the Sanctuary: 0xxl2 99701-2427 or by the website:
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"My children, my Sacred Heart today will grant another excessive Mercy to all of you. Just as I asked you to do the first nine Fridays in honor of my Sacred Heart and the first nine Saturdays in honor of the Immaculate Heart of my Most Holy Mother, I ask you today to do the first nine Sundays of the month in honor of the Most Amenable Heart of St. Joseph.
I want the Most Amenable Heart of St. Joseph to be honored beside my Heart and the Heart of my Mother. He suffered at my side on earth. He suffered with me and with my mother. He fled with Us to Egypt. it was He who guided us and protected us. it was He who faced the cold and the heat of the desert. it was His Heart that beat with fear, with concern for what awaited us in Egypt. it was His Heart that stood out in fear, in anguish, during the crossing of the desert, where we passed in the midst of so many dangers and so many strange people. It was His Heart that was distressed for My sake and for My Mother's sake when I did not know what to do to find sustenance for Us in Egypt. it was His Heart that beat with pain and sadness when I saw myself persecuted. when I saw myself misunderstood by My compatriots. when I saw myself insulted by the other children, who were evil. it was His Heart that beat with pain for Me when I 'lost' myself from My parents for three days in the Temple. And that is why I want the Heart of my Father Saint Joseph to be placed next to Mine. He knew the prophecies about the Messiah and knew that I would be rejected, scourged, crowned with thorns and crucified. His Heart suffered for me like no other suffered for me and for my mother. That is why I desire that the Heart of St. Joseph be placed beside Mine and My Mother.
This triple devotion. this Light with the strength of three 'suns' together. will enlighten your souls. your families. my Church and the whole world.
Where this triple devotion is practiced and lived, there will be My Salvation. Our Three Hearts will triumph. Leading souls who practice it to a high degree of holiness and perfection.
My children, may your conversion happen this Christmas. That is all I ask of you: change your life! Change your life! Remember Me at Christmas! Spend Christmas Eve in prayer with Me. On Christmas Eve, great Graces are given to souls who pray. Yes, I reward My Graces in faithful souls, for those infidels who do not remember Me, and who sin and offend Me on the Night I was born.
Little children! Be converted! Love Me! Love My Mother! Love St. Joseph. Love My Eternal Father! And so My Holy Spirit will always be leading you.
I bless you all at this moment".
Message of the Most Loving Heart of St. Joseph
"My children, my Most Beloved Heart is also overcome with pain at seeing my Jesus so offended by the world. For seeing my Most Holy Mary like this, so offended and despised by the world.
Many attack. Many attack Our Apparitions and make Our Hearts suffer with their hatred. The world is full of hatred, My children! They hate the Blessed Virgin when she appears on earth. They hate my Jesus when he appears on earth. And Me too! They hate the seers. They hate the Messengers of Our Hearts! They hate Me too! Hate them! Because they don't love the Truth! Because they don't want to obey Us. Because they are superb. Because they don't want to say: 'I recognize that it is true (Note: the Apparition) and that I depend on it to save myself'.
Pride, My children, was Lucifer's first sin. And it is the sin of many of you today. Lucifer wanted to make himself adored like God! he wanted to equate himself with God! and if possible overcome Him! But he was banished from heaven. He became a demon. And he is an eternal wretch who will never have forgiveness and salvation. And his hatred fills the world. It fills your souls. And he is the one who instills in you this terrible hatred against the Apparitions and Messages of Mary Most Holy, my Jesus, and mine.
The souls who attack Our Apparitions are led by evil spirits. to try to deceive the good souls. to keep them away from the Apparitions and prevent them from being converted and saved. They disguise themselves as sheep, but are voracious wolves. They look like doves, but they are very poisonous snakes. Stay away from these people! Stay away from these evil and wicked people! Flee from them and the devil will flee from you!
Always stay at the feet of My Most Holy Mary, praying the Rosary. And listen to no other voice than hers. Do not listen to any voice other than that of my Jesus. Do not listen to any voice other than Mine. than Our Messages. Everything we say is in the Bible and the Gospel. Everything we speak is in full agreement with the Truth. Listen to them! Listen to Us! For We alone have the keys of Heaven. And we let in those who love Us, but we will not open the door to those who hate and persecute Us in this world.
Continue with the Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate and Eucharistic Heart of Mary.
Invoke Me during Holy Mass*. And especially when you go for Holy Communion. No one can express the joy I felt when I carried the Child God in my arms! No one can also describe my joy when I carry the Child Jesus in Holy Communion to give him to you in Holy Mass. and with him, to give you my Most Holy Mary.
Ask Me to kindle in you the burning flame of my Most Beloved Heart. These same flames that this beloved son of mine (note: the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira) is now seeing in this Apparition. With this flame you will love My Jesus and My Most Holy Mary perfectly. I will teach you to love. I will give you Love. I will make it grow in you until it becomes an uncontrollable fire that leads you to consume all your imperfections, so that, like a phoenix, you will be reborn from the ashes. This time, beautiful. and radiant before God.
Little children, I love you. And I give you, at this time, my paternal blessing".
*Note: This message must be understood in the context of the time when it was given, when the apostasy of the Church was not as strong as it is now. Today to go to Masses in Brazil means to drink pure poison of liberation theology, communism, diminishing the value of Our Lady, the saints, the Rosary, denying the existence of Hell, Heaven and other dogmas of faith and, therefore, it means putting your faith and your salvation at risk. Understand more about apostasy by asking the cd The great apostasy on the Sanctuary phone: (0xxl2) 99701-2427 or by the website:
(Report - Marcos) Then Our Lady took up the word and said:
Message of Our Lady
"My children, I have one last thing to say to you. It is the desire of my Son Jesus and of the Eternal Father, of the Holy Spirit and of mine, that the Sunday following the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and of my Immaculate Heart in June be celebrated as 'Feast of the Most Amiable Heart of St. Joseph'.
May it extend to all families. to all nations. to the whole world. If they do this, their families will be blessed. Their crops will be covered by St. Joseph's protection. Their work will have a happy ending. In their families, harmony, understanding and peace will reign.
My children, today, here in this Holy Place, through this My son has been granted to humanity yet another stupendous Grace from the Most Holy Trinity and from Our Hearts. Rejoice and give thanks to God for this.
May the whole world know Our Mercy revealed without precedent in time in this Place!"
(Report - Marcos) After these heavenly communications, I thanked the Three Sacred Hearts for this great Grace they granted. I also asked Our Lady if She had approved of what I had said during the Cenacle of this day in defense of the Apparitions, against some priests and wicked people from Catholic TVs who were attacking them and my person. Our Lady said that she had approved everything I had said; that I had done very well in defending the Apparitions. Then she gave me some more personal advice and then the Three Hearts slowly rose from the Tree of the Apparitions until they disappeared into the immense distance of the firmament. As they went up, I raised my hands, for outstretched hands of Our Lord, Our Lady and St. Joseph were coming out of the light rays that were coming toward me.