Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, October 7, 2001
Great Monthly Cenacle
Message of Our Lady, Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Most Beloved

Heart of Saint Joseph
Message of Our Lady
"My children, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace. I am the Lady of the Rosary. I am the Queen of Angels. I am the Queen of LOVE.
I ask you to pray even more now that conflicts and wars are happening. If you had heeded my messages, there would not have been any war. If you had heeded My requests, from Paris and La Salette to here in Jacareí, Satan would not be as 'powerful' as he is now. and he could not cause so much disorder and evil in the world.
You, with your lack of prayer, with your sins. with your disobedience to the Messages of My Son and to My Children, gave Satan the possibility of scourging you through war, famine and persecution against the Faith.
See, My Son! My Heart is pierced by 'very deep thorns' that wound even the deepest of My Heart. These 'thorns' are the sins of each one of My children, from the smallest to the gravest. All of them are embedded in My Heart and there is no one to take them away, My son. There are no good and generous souls who want to take the 'thorns' out of My Heart, for their prayers. for their sacrifices. for their lives perfumed with virtues.
Everywhere I look, I see only sin. and more sin. How can My Heart not be 'sad', My son? How can you? How can I contain My Blood Tears and prevent them from falling if I don't find a soul that corresponds to My Requests and the Requests of My Son, with LOVE?
Console Me, My Son! Console Me. (pause) Pray many Rosaries! Because only then can you console ME! (pause) Tell My children to do the same, because My Eyes are already exhausted from crying!
My Requests have not been answered. the Evil One has taken over the land. the number of My children who live and die in sin is immense!
My children, what can I do if they do not want to live My Messages? If you do not want to obey My advice?
I have asked you many times to pray and fast for the United States. You did not obey Me, and now you see the consequence.
I asked you to pray for Arab countries. You did not obey me, and now you see the consequence!
Everyone talks about the war. they want Peace. but no one says that this war is happening because My Messages have not been heard. and no one says that Peace can only come through obedience to My Messages. And this is what leaves My Heart so pierced. My son: the contempt, the general disregard for My Messages.
I tell you that on the Day of the Final Judgement, La Salette, Lourdes, Fatima. will rise up against this generation and accuse it before my SON! I tell you that My APPARITIONS will 'cry out' before the COURT against those who have despised, suffocated and ridiculed them.
I ask you to live My Messages. The days are ending. The time of conversion is ending. Convert yourselves, My children! Convert yourselves! I do not want to lose any of My children. Convert! Convert!
To all of you today I bless and ask you to pray the Rosary. For just as I have saved the world many times through the Rosary, only through the Rosary will I be able to make My Heart 'IMMACULATE and EUCHARISTIC' TRIUMPHER in this world of sin.
Pray many Rosaries, My children!"
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"My son, tell the souls of the whole world that my Sacred Heart is also pierced with pain as my MOTHER. Everywhere My Most Holy Eyes turn, I see only wars, sins and violence, injustice and rebellion against Me and all that is Holy.
The 'LOCATIONS' in which I and my Holy Mother Appear are completely abandoned and relegated to oblivion. Wherever I and My MOTHER go and we give Our Messages, soon the Evil One moves 'his', to make My NAME and My MOTHER'S NAME disappear.
Oh, My Child! I have been searching for 'CROSS lovers'. Friends' of My Cross and Passion. But. I can't find it. {pause) When I present the CROSS to My children, they either run away. or hide. or rebel against Me. {pause) If they had accepted the sufferings. If they had accepted My Redeeming Crosses. If they had helped Me with their sufferings, in the conversion of sinners. There would have been no more wars, and the sin would have been conquered. But they do not understand My Cross. They do not understand My Passion. They want to live only in joys and pleasures. In money and in luxury. In comfort and entertainment. They think only in amusements. And they don't care about anything, My son! about anything.
Poor youth! she languishes night and day. and she has done such horrible things as have never been seen in human history. They kill. they steal. they lie. they spread evil. The Evil One has seized the young people whom I redeemed and who were baptized in My Holy Catholic Church. and made them. instruments of evil.
How can I not cry, My Son? How can I not cry in the face of such misfortune?
Tell My children. tell the youth that I love them and that I don't want any of them to be condemned. May they be converted! May they listen to My MOTHER! Listen to Our Messages. Put the Rosary in your hands and fight against the Evil One, against the world, against sin and against your own worldly desires.
Tell the families that my Sacred Heart is very sad because they do not pray anymore. Because they no longer kneel at the feet of the Image of my Heart and my MOTHER, as they used to. Satan enters and leaves your homes and families freely, because you no longer pray. Act for one. Act for another. And sometimes he acts for everyone. Only the prayer of the Rosary and fasting, lived by your families, will be able to expel the Evil one from your homes.
O my son! How can My Heart and the Heart of My M not be sad seeing so many abortions. So many evil priests, who do not pray. who do not live what they say. who only set a bad example. who only think of worldly things!
How can I not cry, when I see the innocent little children dead in their mothers' wombs
How can I not cry when I see My Church breaking apart? Nobody knows the True Faith anymore. Nobody believes in the Dogmas of My Church anymore. in the PRIVILES of My MOTHER. No one recognizes My DIVINE Presence in the Blessed Sacrament anymore.
Tell My children that I want them to spread the devotion to the IMMACULATE and EUCHARISTIC HEART of My MOTHER. Because only in this way will souls again recognize what is My Most Blessed Sacrament on the Altar!
How can My Heart not be sad, seeing My PAPA helpless and ridiculed by everyone? (Note: This is Pope John Paul II)
How can My Heart not be sad, seeing My MOTHER being lowered. Humiliated and despised within My own Catholic Church, of which I MOTHER and RAINE?
How can My Heart not be sad, seeing so many crimes. so many immoralities and so many sins? So many bad books. so many indecent magazines, filling the world with the 'mud' of sin?.
How can My Heart not be sad, seeing that even after ten years there were very few who obeyed Our Messages and recognized Our Holy Presence here in this PLACE?
My son says, My Heart is very sad. very sad. And that there is only one way to console Me, and also My MOTHER: by obeying Our Requests. (Note: the Messages.)
Tell My children to say 'no' to the world. Let them refuse the offerings of the Evil One. and renounce sin.
Tell them to meditate more often on My Sacred Passion. Let them read the Book "Imitation of Christ. Let them read the "Treatise of True Devotion" to My MOTHER. Let them read the Books that deal with the Privileges and Glories of My MOTHER. May they read My Mother's Life and My Life. (Note: these are the books Mystical City of GOD') Let them read Our Messages. If this generation does this, I will be sorry. I will have pity. I will have Mercy on her. Otherwise, the fire will be her end.
Tell, My Son, to the souls of the whole world that My Sacred Heart is ESMAGADO for the sins of the world. And so is My Mother's and St. Joseph's. Comfort me, my son. Comfort Me and tell souls to do the same.
I bless you all".
Message of the Most Loving Heart of St. Joseph
(Marcos) "Dear Father Saint Joseph, what is your message for us today?"
(Saint Joseph) "You already have many Messages. Live them without delay!"
(Report - Marcos) We prayed the Lord's Prayer together and then the Three said some particular things to me, said goodbye and began to rise serenely from the top of the Tree of the Apparitions, until they disappeared into the immense distance of the firmament.
Today Our Lady came in a black cloak and purple dress, like Dolorosa. Our Lord and St. Joseph were also wearing the light purple tunic. Our Lady cried the whole time of the Message, and Our Lord, from one point of the Message forward, also began to cry. They both spoke with great difficulty because of His pain. They did not smile at any point in the Message. Our Lady was with Her Heart visible in the Chest, pierced by thorns. Our Lord also had His Heart visible, but ESMAGADO, with a great stain of Blood around it. The Most Amiable Heart of St. Joseph was also visible, disfigured by pain.
Let us take these Messages into Our Hearts and live them. I asked our Lord if, during the month, we could do something for the Peace of the world, so that World War III would not happen. and He told me that we should do many Cercos de Jericho, so that when the siege of the Hail Mary Rosary is over, we should do the Rosary of Blood Tears, the Rosary of Peace, the Rosary of Mercy, etc. May the prayer for peace never cease. In this way, we will achieve the Grace of Peace.