Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 5, 2001
Our Lady's Christmas Anniversary
Message of Mary Most Holy

Children, I the Mother of you, Queen and Messenger of Peace, Mother of God, of Love and Grace, I ask you: Do not sin anymore! Do not offend God, our Lord, who is already so sad, so offended! My arms have held the Sword of Justice... to fall upon you... but with the passing of time... I can no longer hold it...
She now hangs over your heads... Don't mock God, saying "for a long time now, punishments and punishments have been announced, but nothing has happened!" ...because when you least expect it, the Sword of Justice will vibrate over you, and in less than two minutes, many will die! The earth is in the Hands of God, and He alone is responsible for making it open and swallowing up men, if He wants...I have, My children, prayed for you, but...My Rogos will no longer be able to contain the Just Wrath and Indignation of the Most High, against so many sins that you do, without repentance...
I am tireless, it is true, but I want you to understand, that My Love for you, that My Will to save you, is subject to the Will of the Most High...and I can do nothing if your refusal to God becomes definitive, and then Punishment comes...I am between the Cross and the sword, because on one side I see My God, My Divine Son, so offended. And on the other, I see you, clinging, cling to your sins, to your pleasures...without conversion...without seeking a firm change of life...Oh, my children! May someone pity my pain! May someone help me save souls! Pray, pray the Rosary! Pray and pray the Rosary! If you do this, my Immaculate Heart will triumph, and the Father will send times of peace, mercy and salvation to the earth... I bless you all today, on the day when I, the Mother of Heaven, was born, as a firm, sure and winning sign of God's mercy!
To all I bless you this instant!"
Message of Saint Joseph
"Beloved children, hear what I have to say to you through the mouth of this My servant! My Most Beloved Heart wants to draw you to the Heart of My Most Beloved and Chaste Spouse, Mary Most Holy...My Most Beloved Heart, just as He sought a cave for Her in Bethlehem, seeks today hearts that welcome Her and receive Her with Love.
The hearts that I seek for her are not those that receive her only for a time, and then expel her, but the hearts that receive her forever. It is these hearts that I want to give to the One who is the Mother of Love, the Mother of Peace, who is the Mother of God! My Most Beloved Heart suffered so much that night in Bethlehem when I knocked at the door of the houses, I could not find shelter. for my Beloved Wife and for my God who would be born. this is the Secret Pain of my Most Beloved Heart. I did not suffer for myself. I suffered because I saw her tired from the journey. because I saw her exhausted from the heat of the sun. from the dust. from thirst. and from the journey itself on the back of a colt all day. about to give birth to the Son of God.
My suffering was to see my God, King of heaven and earth, born in a dirty, dark and cold stable, when He was to be born in the most worthy of all places, because He was God...While men ate and drank, and gathered to their warm beds, my Divine Wife welcomed a pile of wet hay to give birth. My Lord and God were born there...seeing Him poor...seeing Him cold...seeing Him little...neglected by all...I had my Most Loving Heart pierced by a 'sharp arrow', and so did My Divine Spouse, Mary. How much we suffered that night, no mind, neither human nor angelic, could ever understand...Although the Great Joy of having God born with Us, filled Our Soul, a poignant Pain for the contempt of men, martyred Our Heart.
Say, Marcos, say, My son, to all souls, that if they venerate this My Secret Pain, that they remember It every day, and honor Me by praying an Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father, and the Aspiration of My Most Loving Heart, I will grant everything to these souls, as long as what they ask is not contrary to God's Will. Those who remember this My Secret Pain will be loved by Me, and will have My Protection, every day of their lives, wherever they are...I have come to praise the Wonder of God, who is My Divine Wife. Yes, She Lives! She Reigns! She Reigns and Will Reign...forever!...and all of Her enemies will be put on the footstool of Her Feet!..One day, the whole world will be saved, by a Miracle of My Divine Mary!.. Her Immaculate Heart will Triumph, and the souls who welcomed Her, who welcomed Her Messages. who welcomed Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Divine Will. those souls. standing, will receive Her, Glorious. coming on the clouds of Heaven, with Her Divine Son, surrounded by all the Holy Angels, singing to Her. and this earth will become the "Marial Land", the Land of Mary. the Paradise of the Virgin Mary. the Garden of Delights of the Divine all today I bless".