Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, March 23, 2001
(Friday) Appearance of Our Lord and Our

(OUR LORD): "- Write: - My Sacred Heart has defended you, My son, from this diabolical attack. See how I love you! It was not simply the strength and human help that saved you, but I who freed you from the force and power of death that My enemy possesses, taking him away from you, and making you light, so that then they would pull you out of the water. Thank My Heart and the Heart of My Mother, who saved you and supported you.
Thank your Saints of devotion and the Holy Souls of Purgatory, who were freed by your prayers and Masses, who came to your rescue at that hour! You will recognize him many times, and at other times you will not perceive him so much; but be warned that each day that passes, his hatred for you grows more and more. But you should not fear him, but rather trust in "We," and seek strength in prayer to face him and overcome him with serenity.
He wanted and would have killed you today, were it not for the Merits of My Mother's Blood Tears, whose Rosary you had just prayed. Pray it always and never stop praying it if you want to have "Our" Protection, and keep your life. Repeat this song for all the days of your life: "My Mother in Heaven saved me!" and even: "The Tears of My Mother in Heaven saved me. May all of you hear this song, which you will sing vibrantly for all the days of your life, to give me greater honor, perfect glory and adoration, through my most holy Mother.
Tell also that My son who saved you, that. because he helped save the life of a "Our" Prophet, he will be forever blessed and rewarded for having helped a Prophet. His hands will be blessed, and many of his faults will be forgiven. My Mother's gratitude will always be inclined to him, and when he asks her, he will be heard. Whoever saves a "Our" Prophet, helps himself and mankind, and guarantees for all the permanence of My Light and My Word: of My Grace and My Presence, in the midst of you, for the salvation of all mankind.
(Report - Marcos) "Then I asked him if he wanted to say something to the world today. Our Lord then said to me:"
(Our Lord): "My children, I want your hearts to turn to the Light of my Sacred Heart, and bathe in this Most Living Light, and thus your souls to become 'mirrors' of my Light, 'mirrors' of my Sacred Heart.
My children, the world has simply 'trampled' on the Messages My Mother gave at La Salette, Lourdes, Fatima, Garabandal and others. Because of this, Satan has achieved an 'incredible power', even capable of moving nature and the elements against you. He can cause natural disasters, pestilences, earthquakes, accidents and tragedies, with the great power he has in his claws.
That is why you must fight and decide against him, living and fulfilling all the requests that My Mother has made to you for the world. Only your 'total and definitive decision' for Myself and for My Mother can drive him away, and close all the doors and chinks through which he wishes to enter. Therefore, live all the Messages that we give you, be humble and docile to Our Voice; go forward and exercise the practice of the Virtues; move your souls toward the fulfillment of Our Words of Salvation; be in everything imitators of My Most Holy Mother; Be true soldiers who fight for the coming of My Kingdom on earth, and for the coming of the Kingdom of the Immaculate Heart of My Mother; be the Apostles of the Last Times in all their fullness; and in everything, aspire and seek holiness, without which no one can please Me.
So, My children, be you the 'flames of Love' and the little 'sparks of Light' that we project from 'Our' Hearts to the world, to tear away the dense darkness that covers it, and thus bring the Light of Heaven to so many souls who die in the darkness of sin. I am with you! My Mother is with you! St. Joseph and My Saints and Angels are with you!
Have faith! Courage! Go forward always, and fight with courage and Love. I bless you all now".