Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, March 16, 2001
Apparition of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Mary

Most Holy
(OUR LORD)"- Write: I demand that my daughter Josefa Menendez be placed on the altars, and be recognized by the whole world. If this is done, My infinite Mercy will triumph, and bring to the world a period of Peace.
I wish that My Appeals to My daughter Josepha be made known to the world through you, Marcos Thaddeus, and I want the whole world to glorify My Mercy. Who acted in Josepha's life and in your life.
Understand that My Mercy is already exhausted from giving Messages and sending Messengers to the world, which like an unbridled rock, plummets to the precipice of violence, immorality, lack of faith, disorder and rebellion against My Holy Law of Love. I do not want to punish the world, because I feel sorry for you, but. I will have no other choice but to convert and change my life. Therefore, My children, I have fallen at the feet of My Mercy, who is My Mother, for She is the only one who can achieve My Mercy for you! Listen to Her! Answer the calls that She makes to you in My Name, for only then will I save you!
Know that all those who have consciously rejected and rejected My Mother, or even Her, are already doomed, because She is:
- The One Door to Heaven:
- The Only Corridor;
- The Only Hope of Sinners;
- The Only One who can placate My Most Holy Wrath;
- The Only One who has found Grace in "Our" Highest Eyes;
- The Only One who excels in Grace, Beauty and Merit, to all creatures;
- The Only One who obtains everything from Me, for the Merits of Their Pains and Tears of Very High Pain.
Except for the little children, who from birth are already educated and taught to hate My Mother, everyone else runs the risk of eternal damnation for despising the Mother of the Son of GOD. That was given to them at the foot of the Cross, in the Testament of Love, signed with the 'ink' of My Most Precious Blood.
I will not spare the heretics who "massacre" My Mother, whether with words, deeds or mockery, because their perfidy will be the cause of ruin for many innocent souls, and will be punished with the same punishment as the fallen Angels, who, when they contemplated Her unspeakably Beautiful, in the Thought and Heart of the Trinity, at the beginning of Creation, rebelled and turned their fists against Me, and were then banished from My Presence forever, never to reach Mercy again.
I want My Mother to be Praised, Loved and Obeyed by all, for this gives more Glory to Me and the Father than if they went out into the world performing the most stupendous and portentous miracles, yet without Her. For I myself gave you an example by obeying Her, listening to Her, serving Her for long 30 years in Nazareth, so that all of you might imitate Me in the Obedience, Love and Dedication that She rightfully deserves, for, Alone I said "yes," and changed the fate of the world forever, and for Her "yes," She suffered with Me until My death on the Cross, and then, during the rest of her earthly Life. In Heaven, She still carries in Her Immaculate Heart all the pains, sorrows, and tribulations of Her children, and She also suffers from seeing them betray me, giving themselves over to sin and Satan, and then falling into the fire of hell.
My Mother's Tears have an 'infinite value', and I will glorify them here on earth as they already are in Heaven. I will bring this fallen humanity to its knees before the Tears of My Mother's Blood, and recognize them as the Most Precious Gift of My Heart and the Pledge of eternal salvation.
My Arm will only retreat from inflicting 'Punishment' when humanity recognizes that My Will is to save it through My Mother, for the greater humiliation of demons and evil, and for the greater Glorification of the Most Holy Trinity.
Therefore, I desire that you, Marcos, who are the Knight of the Immaculate Conception, and the Ambassador of Our Hearts, do and spend all your strength in making My Mother Beloved and Obeyed in Her requests, for all, for this gives me the greatest Glory that I hope to receive from mortals. I have given more Glory to my Father by obeying my Mother Mary than in the three years of Miracles in my public Life. And whoever does the same, will also glorify GOD in the same way, for she is:
- the Seat of Wisdom;
- the Ark of the Covenant with GOD;
- the Vault of My Father's Treasures;
- the Honor of My Holy Spirit;
- My Heavenly Garden of Delights;
- the Paradise of Angels;
- the Cause of the Joy of the Saints;
- the Only Passage to Heaven;
- the Attestation of Eternal Humiliation of the Demons.
Thus, my son, I want you to do everything possible in my Shrine of the Apparitions in Jacareí so that my Mother may be loved at my side, and sinners may come to me for her, for otherwise I will use Justice with them and not Mercy.
I Am "He Who Am," and "He Who Gives You the Only Salvation Tablet, the Only One who knows the Secret of My Merciful Heart, for your Salvation.
Come to Her quickly, for I come to Her quickly, to give to each one according to his own works, and according as they have loved Me through Her.
(Comments - Marcos) "Then Our Lord dictated another Rule for the Order of the Slaves of Mary, and then He and Our Lady gave me Holy Communion in a similar way as I explained before. "