Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, March 2, 2001
Message of Our Lord

Write: My Son, the 'path of perfection' is difficult, but. with My Grace and the help of My Mother, the soul can climb the 'Stairway of Holiness', which was shown to you years ago, and reach the highest peaks of perfection. The 'ladder of holiness', the 'ladder' to heaven, is my Blessed Mother! Ah! Son, how many and how many have despised this 'Staircase', to try to reach Heaven by themselves! Ah, Marcos! How many who did not obey Her. did not listen to Her. did not love Her. did not accept the sweet chains of lovethat My Mother wanted to put on them, so that they would be bound to Me through Her, believing that in this way they would give Her more value than Me, and thus offend Me. What a mortal mistake! Ah. what a fatal mistake! Ah. What a subtler deception of My eternal enemy! Most Christians have already fallen into this deception, and for this reason, My Sacred Heart has filled them with deep bitterness. If souls knew My Mother more and listened to Her seriously, I would be more loved, known and served by the peoples of the earth...However, in spite of all this coldness and indifference toward My Mother, I will make Her Glory shine in the world, with a Light stronger than that of seven days in one day, and the nations will shiver with astonishment as they contemplate so much Beauty, Glory and Majesty given to Her by My Father, by Me, and by My Holy Spirit... Marcos, my son, it is my ardent desire that you make My Mother loved, known and venerated by everyone on earth. That is why I created you, gave you life, soul and so many Gifts and Graces, so that by making souls love You, love Me more perfectly and give Me greater Glory that creatures can give Me, in their measure and condition. You are the continuator of Paray-Le-Monial, Lourdes, Fatima, and all Ourmanifestations. You are My Mother's 'fourth little shepherd', and like others, I will do wonders in you.