Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, August 15, 1998
Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady.
Message from Our Lady

Dear children, I desire from you the correspondence to My Plans.
Behold today your Immaculate Mother, raised to Heaven in Body and Soul by the POWER of the Holy Trinity.
I am all Pure, all Immaculate, all Holy.
In Me the Holy Trinity has reflected all HIS Glory and POWER on this DAY today. Lifted up into Heaven, I open a Path of Grace and Salvation for all My children who follow Me.
I exhale from My Immaculate Body and Subject to Heaven, a perfume of Paradise, the perfume of GOD's Grace. of Purity. of LOVE. of Holiness. so that with My perfume, I could draw My children along the same Path I have opened for them.
Behold your Mother, Crowned with Twelve Stars. Clothed with the Sun, with the Moon under Her Feet.
Yes, today is the Day of My Great Feast! Sing the Angels and the Saints of Paradise! They all, in wonder, contemplated Me passing escorted by My Son. into the Father's presence. All the Saints and Angels praised GOD and glorified Me too, in the Great Possession of the Eternal Crown. that the Father today placed upon My Head.
My children, I ask you, be strong and be steadfast in holiness. Just as I suffered in this world, but then received the Eternal Victory, you too, if you are patient and loving in suffering, will obtain the joy that will never end, in the Eternal Life.
I invite you to lift your eyes to Me, and fill yourselves with LOVE, Trust, and Hope.
Pray the Rosary every day, so that each day it will flood your souls and your lives with the LIGHT I have received from the Holy Trinity.
I bless you in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit.
Come back here tonight. I will give one more Message, and also My Special Blessing. which I give only on the Days of My Great Feasts. I will be here present with you!"
Upper Room on the Mount
"- I thank all those who have heeded the appeals I made exactly one year ago, here, in this placef.
Thank you to all who continue to come every Saturday, and even, every day, to My meeting in this placef.
I also thank those who have left everything to come here. to dwell here. in this placef. so cold and so hard of heart.
I thank all those who have joined their prayer with Mine, that the Holy Trinity may forgive and still grant Peace to the world.
I am the Luminous Star, whose LIGHT is never extinguished, and whoever follows this LIGHT, will reach the Father.
In My Immaculate Heart, the Most Holy Trinity has poured out the ebálsamof Her Predilection, and My Angels, under My Orders, are now fighting the Good Fight of Faith, in order to lead My Church, the Church of My Son Jesus, and all those who are Mine, to the COMPLETE and FINAL VICTORY of GOOD over evil.
I am the radiant Star that the Holy Trinity places in Heaven, to lead them in the dark night...without GOD.
From my Glorious Body I exude a most sweet perfume, so that each one of you, feeling it, may walk the path of mortification, of LOVE, of GOOD, and of Grace.
In this world that runs after unbridled pleasure, all kinds of impurity and immorality, My Most Sweet Perfume is granted to you, so that you will not be deceived by the deadly poison of the dragon.
My dear children, I extend My Hands from Heaven where I am Crowned, to hold your hands and lead you to GOD. If you accept My Hand. if you correspond to My Requests. if you feel My Feelings. if you share My Wishes and My Goals. if you fight with Me.
I give My Special Blessing to each of you again today, and also to your objects of devotion that are in your hands.
I solemnly bless you with the Blessing that the Most High GOD has granted Me. in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit.
Wherever these objects are, and wherever you, blessed now by Me are, there I will be. bringing abundant Graces from My Lord.
Return home in the Peace of GOD, our Lord.
May the Spirit transform each one of you into a mirror, where I can reflect My Look. My Smile. My LIGHT. My Graces and My Maternal Traits.
Allow Me to reflect My Holiness in you, so that in this world that has lost its direction from GOD, all those poor children of mine, victims of hatred, sin and evil, looking at you, may feel and find Me, know Me, and may then enter the road that leads to LIFE!
My little children, may My Blessing remain upon each one of you."
Observation - Marcos: (Our Lady spoke further on the Seventh Secret)