Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, May 2, 1998
Message of Our Lady

My children, I ask you to pray the Rosary every day, for the conversion of the world and for the return of those who have left the Church, the true home of the FATHER.
I love them, and I ask them to pray more. I want to ask you to unite your prayer and your heart to that of my son John Paul II, the Pope, so that with him we can together bring this whole world to conversion.
Many souls still do not accept My Messages, so you must pray and proclaim My requests without fear. Help John Paul II to make my Immaculate Heart TRIUMPH!
I wish you more love in your prayers. In all your prayers, pray with love, pray with the heart.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".
On the same day later
"- Dear children, I ask you once again: - Live My Messages. Each Message is a key that GOD gives you, so that you may open the door to Heaven, and with it receive salvation through conversion.
Each one of you will be responsible for what you have or have not done with My Messages. It is a very serious moment, where GOD will now ask each of you a definite YES or NO to HIM.
This is now the time in the history of all humanity's decision. Everyone will have to decide: - either with GOD, or against GOD.
I come from Heaven to ask you to say YES to GOD, to open your heart to HIM, and to submit to HIM. And the way they will say YES to GOD is by living My Messages, putting them into practice, because it will not help to say, "Lord! Lord!", without living what I ask of them.
So, read again all the Messages from here that you know about, and thus give with Me the "YES" to GOD.
I bless you with LOVE. Stay in the Peace of the Lord".