Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, October 7, 1996
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, to all of you today I want to cover with my Immaculate Heart once again!
I am the Mother of all, and my request today is that in your hearts the true Faith be born!
I warmly welcome your requests. Everything, everything that you say and ask of Me, I welcome in My Heart, but you must be converted, and your Faith must be a Faith for love!
There are many who think that it is enough to come here to be healed. Many do not even believe in GOD, let alone in the Apparitions, and still want to receive some favor from Me?
Children, if the sick or their relatives do not fast, the healings cannot happen. If you do not forgive your enemies, you will not be able to get the cures.
Without fasting, prayer and penance, no Grace happens.
I want you to understand this: - that I am your Mother, and that I have appeared here to show you a new way, the way of love, the way of Faith and Peace! If you want to receive the Graces of GOD in your lives, you need to pray, fast, trust in the LOVE of the FATHER!
I am the Mother that cries for the children with a hard heart, but I am the Mother that rejoices for the children that return to My Arms, that want to do what I say and advise.
I AM the Mother that GOD sends to earth to take away the scales that Satan puts in their eyes, so that they can see the Light.
I am the Virgin of the Rosary! I am the One who, more than asking for the prayer of the Rosary, always carries it in her Hands and teaches to pray it well, interceding for my Son Jesus, for all and for the Peace of all.
Here in Jacareí, I want to be known as the MOTHER THAT PRAYERS.
I want to be known as the MOTHER OF PEACE! I taught them this Rosary, so that they can pray with all the others they already know, for the salvation of humanity.
If they knew what power the Rosary has, they would never stop praying it! That is why I ask them for the Rosary!
Just as you cannot live without food, I ask you not to live without the Rosary, because without it, your joy and your peace will soon disappear.
Prayer, My children, is the key that opens the door to Heaven!
In Revelation you read that an Angel came from Heaven, with a great key in his hand, and with this key he locked the dragon, his angels and those who worshipped him in the abysses.
This key, children, with which I will lock Satan in hell, on the day of My victory, so that he will never harm anyone again, is the Rosary!
He who leaves the Rosary will have left his own key of salvation and conversion! He who loves the Rosary, will be loving his own salvation!
Live the Gospel! The Rosary is not distinguished in the pages of the Gospel, but the mysteries of the Rosary are in the Gospel, and the Gospel is in the Rosary. So pray the Rosary and read the Gospel, and you will live, love and understand everything!
I bless you all in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- My Generation! Children born of My Blood spilled on the Cross! I AM Jesus, your GOD, and the sweet Shepherd of your insides!
I AM JOY! I AM LIFE, and today I wish you to seek more My Peace in Communion, and you will have the LIFE of LOVE that the FATHER sent Me to give you.
I want you to pray more for the conversion of humanity! Your prayers and sacrifices are still few, because they are accompanied by little love and joy!
Your prayers, dear children, have served for sinners, and to alleviate the consequences of evil in the world, but, you have been lazy!
Beware! Beware lest you be those imprudent virgins, who did not bother with the oil of lamps and slept, and when the Bridegroom arrived, he entered with the prudent virgins into YOUR HOME, and there was great joy, and the imprudent ones then knocked on the door saying: - Lord, it's us! Open to us! And He answered, "Go away! I don't know who you are!
Watch, children, in prayer and fasting, because you do not know the moment when, with one look, I will set you before Me, and your whole life will be revealed in My Light!
Watch and pray! If the oil of your lamps (prayer, perseverance, charity, apostolate) is not firm, lighted and burning like the flame, you will not enter My FATHER'S HOUSE!
Read this passage of the Gospel many times! Look for it in the pages of the Gospel so that you, My children, may stand up and trust in these times of dense darkness in humanity.
I pour out My Purifying Blood on you today! I pour on you My burning LOVE!
I AM madly in love with you, generation!
With thorns you crowned ME, and your thorns I want to take out!
With whips ME you hit, from your oppressions, I want to free you!
A cross you gave me, yours, I want to relieve!
With carnations you have wounded me, your pains, I want to heal!
Love Me, because LOVE loves you!
I, LOVE, love you!
Now I bless you in the Name of the Father. Son. and Holy Spirit".