Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, August 7, 1995
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions

(Marcos): (On this day we once again celebrate Our Lady's Birthday with Our Lord and the Pilgrims, which was made possible by the proximity of the dates and the acquiescence of Our Lady to our request)
Message of Our Lady
"- My dear, sweet and beloved children, praise our Lord Jesus Christ!
"- Forever be praised!" (answered the entire crowd of pilgrims)
"- Thank you, dear children, for the congratulations that you sang to Me! I was moved and touched in My Heart.
Dear children, today I want to present myself as the WOMAN of all evil.
Here is the Image* prophesied by Me! * (The Image of the Queen and Messenger of Peace)
This My Image(pause) takes a replica** of My Grace! This My Image will be the powerful instrument by which I will lead My children back to GOD!
** (Note - Marcos): (I understood that Our Lady meant that the Grace that She placed on this Image is so great and exalted, that it is greater than Her, only the GRACE of Our Lady Herself in Person, so I said that She, the Image, carries a replica, that is, a faithful copy of Her Own Grace)
In these My Messages, dear children, I give you a taste of all My LOVE!
Here, I wanted to be called RAIN AND MESSAGE OF PEACE, to remind My Message, that without Prayer, there can be no Peace. Where there is no Faith, where there is no LOVE, where there is no LOVE, there is no Peace!
In this Image, the WORD of my Lord in Revelation is fulfilled: Behold, a Great Sign has appeared in Heaven. A Woman, Dressed in the Sun, Crowned with Twelve Stars, with the Moon under her Feet, crushes the dragon.
I AM, my little children, the Brave Combatant that my Lord sends to earth to guide you, my little ones, back to the HEART of my Lord! Let My sweet children, that My Hands, smoother than roses, touch you and caress you in this instant.
I chose this poor and simple place, so that I could transmit My Mother's Message, for I want to save (pause) all My children.
GOD is still the GOD of POWER, but. still today He is the GOD of the simple!
Look how Great is the Mercy of Our FATHER, My dear children! Sinners find Me; the sick feel Me close to them; the afflicted trust in Me; children praise Me; young people are glued to My Cloak, in prayer.
To all who open their hearts, I will present myself as Merciful and Kind Mother, as Tender and LOVELY Mother. to lead all of you, sweet children of mine, back to the Father's HOME.
Each one of you, many times, is like a son, who took all the gifts, the inheritance of the Father, and went around the world, lost, without LOVE.
My sweet children, in the world you will not have LOVE. The things of the world (pause) are like the traps that My enemy arms, to try to make them fall into them. My children, I am their Mother, and I have come down to be able, with my LOVE, to embrace everyone, and keep everyone within my Heart.
When the FATHER asked Me for My YES, to be the Mother of the Son, the Holy Spirit moved Me, with all humility, to lower Me down, to hide Me as much as possible, like a seed hidden in the earth, so that My Son would grow, and Salvation would happen.
You too, My children, to exalt GOD, never want to be praised by anyone.
Exalt My Lord with a pure heart, with a humble heart, with your heart full of YOUR Tenderness. In this way you will also be like a seed, that small, will grow, will grow and will produce a great tree, full of fruits of Salvation and LOVE.
My children, pray the Rosary every day! In My Apparitions here, I come with My Rosary. I taught them to pray it, well and with the heart.
I wish, My children, that their hearts open to the LOVE of GOD. I wish, My children, that their hearts may glorify GOD! My Lord desires to see you every day with me, kneeling in prayer. Open your hearts, little children, to Me! Open, my dear little ones, your being to the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit, like a Mighty Wind, wants to fill your heart. He wants, My children, to take away the straws of your sins; He wants to take away, My children, the dust of Faith from your heart, and He wants to light in you, My sweet little children, a FIRE that will never go out!
Yes, My children, a single flame is little, but if only one toothpick is lit, if only one spark of fire, a fire can be set in a whole forest!
So are you! If one of you, in your families, opens the door of your little hearts to Me, I will be able to light the FIRE of the Holy Spirit in your whole house, until it belongs to My Lord!
Thus, I desire that prayer groups be formed everywhere, to pray My Rosary, to carry My Messages, to say, My children, that your time is almost over. your days (pause) are already numbered.
Soon the sheep will be separated, by the POWER of the Holy Spirit, from the goats.
Before the Century is over, before the Jubilee of the year two thousand. there will be this Purification, and those who do not convert will not survive the Punishments that will fall upon you.
Be converted, My children, and come back to Jesus!
Convert, and open your hearts!!!
I am already exhausted from asking humanity to return to GOD! My Arms are crushed for holding so tight (pause) the Arm of DIVINE JUSTICE!
Help Me, My children!!! When they pray the Rosary, they are holding the Arms of their Mother, to continue asking the FATHER for forgiveness for humanity.
The world has become worse than Sodom and Gomorrah, and that is why the consuming fire will descend, and then those who oppose Christ, who are with the antichrist, will be overwhelmed, defeated by the Spirit of the Lord!
Dear children, before, long before you think, I will set you free, My little ones, who suffer and who trust in Me, who pray and who give Me their heart. No son who has trusted in Me has failed to be saved. So, my children, I will come down soon, just as I am here, to save you, to give you the grace of Jesus!
Raise your heads!! My Son is already at the door!!! He is already with the Hand in the Lock of Time!!! One more step (pause) is all that remains, so that HE may be in your midst!!!
Much closer to you than the air that surrounds you, is the LIFE of My Son, so dear children, I beg you: - Open your hearts to Me!!! My children, I AM your MOTHER, and I want to take you to My GOD! Open your hearts, dear children, I am your Mother!
My numerous Apparitions cannot convert even a rosary of humanity because of their hardness of heart. Open your hearts to Me, sweet children, and My LOVE will guide you.
I cover you all with My Cloak at this moment.
I send you My Little Kiss and give you, dear children, My LOVE. in the Name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit.
My Jesus transmits the Message to you".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- I AM THE IRRESISTIBLE!(pause) I AM, My children, the Lamb of GOD.
Before the Name of my FATHER, before my Sacred Heart, and before my Holy Spirit, the whole knee bends (pause) in Heaven, on Earth and even below the Earth. The demons have to proclaim Me the True GOD, and Lord!
Let My Irresistible Heart penetrate yours now, children, and pierce the stone of ice in your hearts! Allow, my sweet children, that my Sacred Heart may breathe the Holy Spirit into you, that it may pierce the deafness of your spirit!(pause)
Your time is running out. Like a night that has passed, so is the time you have left.
Dear children, here is My MOTHER, whose Birthday Party WE celebrate on this day. My MOTHER is like the jewel of my Sacred Heart, which I gave to you!
After My FATHER, the most precious gift I had, was My MOTHER!! When I saw Her humble, obedient, following Me, with so much LOVE for Me, on My Way to the Cross. When, from my Cross, I looked at my feet and saw my humble MOTHER, my loving MOTHER, my sweet, gentle and strong MOTHER; my Sacred Heart gave a palpitation of LOVE. and I, knowing that I was going back to FATHER, where I had come from, from my Father. but, in order not to leave you alone, I looked at my MOTHER and said to her:
My sweet children, at that moment I gave you My MOTHER, so that HE would be yours, but... how many step on My MOTHER! How many hate My MOTHER! despise My Holy MOTHER, thinking of doing something pleasing to ME!
For those who despise My MOTHER, I say the same thing I said to Capernaum: Do you think you will be exalted to the highest heaven? On the contrary, you will be exalted to the deepest of the lake of fire!
Woe to those who will not listen to My MOTHER'S VOICE, and to My Sacred VOICE!
My dear children, HE speaks to you of my Sacred Heart! She shows My Eucharistic Body in Her Hand, to tell you, My dear and sweet children, that I AM the GOD of your Salvation!! and here is the Way to reach My FATHER, ME even in the Eucharist, as My MOTHER shows Me in Her Pure Hand. it is the Rosary!! Everyone who prays the Rosary, dear children, will not turn away from ME!
The chalice, the receptacle to receive My Graces, is the Rosary of My MOTHER. Whoever loves the Rosary of my MOTHER!! loves my MOTHER. Who loves My MOTHER, loves ME!! for HE always gives ME (pause) to all of you. and he who loves ME, loves the FATHER, in whom LIVE and KING. forever.
My lips want now, sweet little children, to kiss you in the heart. I felt now, My little children, My Kiss of LOVE, and My Holy Spirit blowing in you. I felt, My children, My Hand resting on your forehead, and marking it with the Sign of My Infinite and Eternal Mercy.
Look at the example of the little bees! They all work together, all of them, harmoniously, work for the construction of the hive; they all obey the command of the Queen Bee, and thus everything is built and built in unity.
You are My little bees! I do not want to see you separated from each other!! and so I invited My MOTHER to come here, and appear in this Place, and to call all My children to Me! Obey the Voice of My MOTHER!! who is like your Queen Bee.
He who builds the hive will receive as a reward the purest honey (pause) of Mercy and Kindness from my Sacred Heart. (pause) But. walk quickly, My children, and do not be lazy little bees; walk quickly, for there are many whom I call, but. those whom I choose. are few.
If you delay your conversion, you run the risk of losing yourself in the middle of the road!
Masses! Masses! Masses! This is what pleases My FATHER the most, and what makes ME smile the most, and My MOTHER!
Give Me, if possible every day, this gift: Holy Mass!
Whoever participates fervently in Holy Mass will be freed not only from the fire of hell, but also, saved from Purgatory.
The Mass, My children, is much brighter than the Sun! The Mass is more POWERFUL than any nuclear bomb you know, and it is through the Masses that my MOTHER came to ask, the Rosary, my Body and BLOOD in the Eucharist! that the world will be saved.
Soon, TRIUMPHER MY Immaculate Heart of Shepherd, and TRIUMPHER MY Immaculate Heart of MOTHER! My Sacred Heart is the Fortress, the Wall and the Rock!! that I put to defend you.(pause)
I thank the doves of my Sacred Heart, my Sisters, my favorite Handmaids, flowers grafted into my Sacred Heart, for coming with LOVE to ME, and to my MOTHER.
Be blessed, my daughters, and go like doves; spread the seeds of my LOVE, my Messages, my desires, the affection of my MOTHER, to all my poor children, who do not know ME.
(Note - Marcos): (The next paragraph was omitted from here, because this excerpt from the Message was addressed to people in particular)
I thank all those who came, in the Name of My FATHER. I thank all those who prayed, praised and prepared the Birthday Party of My MOTHER.
And I now bless you, and next month, My Sacred Heart is already waiting for you here, anxious to save and forgive you, to give you My LOVE and My Grace.
Next month, I and My MOTHER will give you a SPECIAL BENNITION, and in the coming months, until the end of the year, we will print the MARK on your heart, to enlist you in OUR Army.
Yes little children, My Heart yearns for you, and every day call Me "ABBA Daddy", and I. will be at your side, to bless you.
Pray for My Peter, JOHN PAUL II. He is the dearest flower of My Mother's Heart, and the most beautiful precious stone of My Sacred Heart! Pray for Him, for He suffers and needs you! Pray! Those who pray for My Pope will receive from Me and from My MOTHER particular caresses, which will not be given to those who did not care to pray and ask for Him.
I now bless you with the LOVE of my FATHER. with the LOVE of my Heart, Son. and with the POWER of my Holy Spirit.
Stay in PEACE! May My PEACE be with you".