Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace to your heart!
My son, pray much and allow my sorrowful appeal to all my children throughout the world to speak to your heart. With the departure of Pope Benedict XVI from the Vatican, God is giving a sign to Catholics all over the world that He is about to punish Holy Church and humanity in a more terrible way because of their sins, scandals and corruptions and the false stone will be broken in half because it was not the true one and it was not founded on Christ, my Son.
Bend your knees to the ground all men and women of good will, because the son of darkness is receiving power from the father of lies to act and bring pain, suffering, and terrible persecutions to the Holy Church and to all mankind. Few will be the ones who will remain faithful in God's way. Many for fear of pain and persecution will betray the eternal truths and will be those who will no longer live the teachings that my Son Jesus left in his Holy Church. This is the time when the devil mocks the Ministers of God who have become cowards and allowed themselves to be overcome by the authority of men, disobeying the authority of God, not having the full courage to defend the rights of the Lord, because they did not love the truth they preached, and many of them lived only in appearances, offending the Lord in a double and wrong life, full of sins.
Pray, pray, and make reparation for the terrible sins of the world, because the justice of God is coming in a way never seen before, and intensely, upon all the Ministers of God and upon all humanity, and when it hits them there will not be left stone upon stone, because they did not listen to me, offending the Heart of my Divine Son and my Immaculate Heart.
I bless you, my son. Be with the peace of my maternal Heart and my protection for you and your whole family!
Before she left, the Holy Mother, consoled my heart with these words that entered and
moved my heart:
Glauber, pray for the Pope. Glauber, have faith and live up to your baptismal name, the name that God enlightened your parents with and by which you will be known until the end of your life. Faith, faith, faith, my son, Glauber!...Be an example of faith to all the people of Amazonas, Glauber, and in the end, my son Jesus will give you the reward of those who never doubted and always trusted in the power of his name and his divine love.