Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, June 6, 2020
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

The Blessed Virgin appeared today accompanied by three people, two men and a woman: the two men were Renato Baron, Bruno Cornacchiola and the woman was Adelaide Roncalli. She this evening gave me the following message:
Peace to your heart!
My son, pray for Holy Church, pray for all those who feel abandoned and unloved by her, that they may not lose faith. The devil has managed to make many souls lose their love for Holy Church, because of the many Ministers of God who have hurt and scandalized them with their harsh words, their harsh and loveless actions, and, their contradictory behaviors that go against what they have taught many of them. Intercede for the salvation of souls. God will ask much of your Ministers, for every soul ruined and without faith, because of the mistakes and sins they have committed.
Ecumenism is not the many errors and heresies put together, of the various pagan religions, as if they were true, nor the various ways of praying of each of them, as if they were all addressed to the same True God, the One who created Heaven and earth. There are so many religions in the world, but the true doctrine of salvation, taught by my Divine Son, is only one, and that is the one found in His Church, which is the Catholic Church. Whoever does not believe in this truth and accept this faith will not be saved.
The sins of my Son's ministers and their lack of faith, allowing themselves to be overcome by the pagan ideas and pagan teachings of the world, are bringing great calamities and pain to many of them.
I saw at this moment much blood, which flooded in all directions the square of St. Peter's Basilica. The Vatican was all red from this blood, nothing was spared. As the blood was spreading I heard noises of gunshots, screams, and saw knives and sharpened swords bathed in this blood and many, many severed heads, lying on the ground.
A voice spoke to me, shouting, BLOOD IN THE VATICAN!
Then I saw blood and persecutions taking place in many places in the world, and the same voice cried out loud: BLOOD AND PERSEGUISHMENTS ON THE WIFE OF THE CHRIST, IN MANY PARTS OF THE WORLD!
Jesus crucified appeared, as on Calvary, and the Blessed Virgin knelt, before her Son on the cross and wept, asking for the Holy Church and for all her sons and daughters who are to undergo such sufferings, pains and persecutions, that they may be strong and faithfully keep the testimony of her Divine Son. I heard the voice of Jesus, on the cross, who said: ALL WILL BE FULFILLED, ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES!
Our Lady spoke to me again:
Love, my children, love can change the most difficult situations in the world. The love of my Son can save your families from the great storms that have already arrived and that will hit the Church and the world in a way never seen before. I am the Queen of the Family, I am the Queen of Love, I am the Virgin of the Revelation! .... I am one, and with my Immaculate Heart full of love and concern for your happiness and eternal salvation, I tell you to welcome and live my pleading appeals communicated to you all, in my many apparitions in the past and now, at present, in many regions of the world. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!