Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace to your heart!
My son, many signs have been given to the world, but the world has not wanted to convert and open its heart to my love. The most beautiful and grandiose sign was that my Immaculate Mother came for so many years to the world to transmit her holy messages.
Many were those who closed their ears to her maternal words. Many were those who ridiculed and mocked her pure and holy love, fighting her real and holy presence in many places of the world. They have laughed, mocked, prevented many souls from hearing her, welcoming and living her maternal requests communicated with so much love, pain and concern.
My son, my Heart has been wounded and offended more than once, when my Mother was outraged and treated as just any woman, as the most insignificant person. And they continue to undervalue her, taking away the honors, virtues and privileges that I have bestowed upon her for her great love, humility, obedience, acceptance and total surrender to my Divine Will. No other creature, neither angelic nor human, has reached such great holiness and perfection, as My Immaculate Mother, the all pure and without stain from original sin and after my Blessed Mother, no other creature is so holy and pleasing to my Divine Heart, giving me the love that consoles it, that perfumes my Throne in heaven, full of virtues and merits than my Just One, my Virgin Father Joseph. After her, he is the most powerful person in heaven, whom all hell trembles and of whom it is terrified. Ask for St. Joseph's help, for you have not yet realized the great power of his intercession before the Holy Trinity in heaven. He obtains everything when he comes before my Throne. I cannot deny him anything. I cannot resist his requests, he who with so much love dedicated himself to take care of me, the Word made flesh and my Blessed Mother, in this world, by his labors, his sweat, his pains and tears shed to protect us from the dangers of the age in which we lived, so that the Father's will would be accomplished.
Remember, my son: every age had its cruel and terrible dangers, but God never abandoned his people and evil never had and never will have the final word.
Pray, pray, this was the request of my Mother and Queen, the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace. In prayer is the profound mystery of touching the Heart of a God, a God who is moved by the supplications of all those who trust in his Divine Love and for these, he will do great things.
I bless you!