Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, April 10, 2020
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace to your heart!
My son, I thirst for souls. Save my souls with your prayers, sufferings and sacrifices. They cost me painful sufferings and my blood, which was spilled for the salvation of the many who would then believe and immolate themselves for my love.
Many are unbelievers, my son, how they disgust me, because they outrage me and increase the pains of my Heart with their infidelities and sins. Pray for the conversion of the unbelievers, those who rejected my gifts, my extraordinary, denying them, so that they would continue to live in their wrong lives, adding sin upon sin.
I offer you my Heart, my son, my Heart that was opened by the lance, and a deep wound remains in it, a sign of my love, where through it, you can enter it and be protected against the evils and darkness of these difficult times.
Surrender to my love, do my will. God speaks and desires to be heard. Love calls humanity and desires to be welcomed.
I, the Word made flesh, was nailed to the cross and on it I loved you with love to the end. Love, love with this love of mine, welcomed and lived in your lives, until the end, and sin and death will have no power nor find victory over you, for I have conquered the world. I bless you!