Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, August 12, 2019
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

The Lord has given this reading just now, for us to meditate on and ask for his blessing, grace and protection for his Church, for Brazil and for the world.
How beautiful, through the mountains, the footsteps of the one who brings good news, of the one who brings the news of peace, who comes to announce happiness, to announce salvation, saying to Zion: Your God has begun to reign! Listen! Your sentinels raise their voices! Together they sing for joy, for they are seeing the Lord returning to Zion face to face! (Isaiah 52: 7-8)
Come sono belli sui monti i piedi del messaggero che annuncia la pace, del messaggero di buone notizie che annuncia la salvezza, che dice a Sion: "Regna il tuo Dio". Una voce! Le tue sentinelle alzano la voce, insieme esultano, poiché vedono con gli occhi il ritorno del Signore a Sion. (Isaiah 52: 7-8)