Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Message from Saint Joseph to Edson Glauber

Peace to your heart!
My son, enter into my Heart that you may find peace and rest, strength and courage. God grants his Wisdom only to the humble. Of great value in his holy eyes are those who know how to recognize their nothingness before his Divine Majesty and who are obedient to him. God has placed his Divine gaze upon you and chosen you to speak of my glories, my love, and my Heart, which desires so much good for humanity and burns with the holy desire for its salvation.
I know your weaknesses and I know your pains, but offer yourself entirely into the hands of the Eternal Father without reserve, trusting in his divine action in your life and in the mission he has entrusted to you.
God does not abandon his own, even if many times it seems that his divine presence has withdrawn from the midst of you and yours. He is closer than ever and is attentive to every supplication and cry of your hearts.
Trust, my child, trust, even if sometimes you don't understand the divine designs, even if you don't see the results now, because of all that you endure for love of his Divine Work, but the Lord sees, knows and acts in silence and at the right time he will make himself heard more and more.
I give you a little of my grace and my strength, so that you will take care of your own, as you have done until now. In fact, I also took care of my parents when they lived in this world, alleviating their pains and sufferings, when they were no longer strong and able, because of their failing health and old age. So you too, look after your own and give your all, to relieve them in their pains and sufferings, to console them, to give peace and joy to their souls and hearts, and the Lord will lift you up more and more and bless all your undertakings, projects and good works, as well as giving you long life and all the graces that will also supply your needs of body and soul.
Enter into my Heart, my son, so that you may rise more and more in the grace of God and that your whole being may aspire only to want to be all God's, to do his Divine Will in this world, so that your heart may be united in one love with his Divine Heart, so that you may be in him and with him.
God loves you: may these words elevate your soul more and more toward things above, toward heaven, inflaming you with the heaven, inflaming you with the desire to let yourself be consumed by divine love.
My Heart also loves you and watches over you, helping you to carry out the Lord's commands in this world, being your refuge, your protection and your consolation.
I place you within my Heart and take you with me to heaven, to restore your strength and grant you new graces and gifts, by the Lord's command. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
At this moment, as I listened to St. Joseph tell me that he was placing me within his Heart and taking me to heaven with him, rays of light came out of the wounds of his Most Chastened Heart, and they came upon me, enveloping me. I began to feel a great sleep and immediately lay down in the hammock. I also heard his voice saying to me:
When you wake up everything will be over and you will be invigorated!
I was sick, without strength, passing badly these last two days, when I woke up early in the morning, I had nothing left and I felt stronger and healthier than ever before. I gave thanks to God for such a great grace granted, for caring for me, miserable creature, and for sending St. Joseph to comfort my soul.