Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, March 19, 2018
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace to your heart!
My son, I, your Mother, once again come from heaven with my Son Jesus and St. Joseph. Pray, my son, pray and make my children pray, because times are hard.
Many souls are in danger of being lost eternally, because prayer is lacking, conversion is lacking in the lives of many of my children. It is you who must be a light to all of them, bringing the love of our Most Holy Hearts.
Son, the devil has gained a lot of space in many families. Many Christian homes have become places of profanations and outrages to my Divine Son Jesus. Many families are spiritually dead, because Satan has managed to seduce and destroy them with sin.
Pray many Rosaries, do penance for sinners, renouncing your own will to do the will of God.
I welcome you into my Immaculate Heart, and my Spouse Joseph welcomes you into his Most Chaste Heart, and we both place you inside the Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus.
Thank you for your presence. I will accompany you to your homes with my Son Jesus and Saint Joseph. Today a shower of graces descends from heaven upon you and your families.
I bless you my son and all your brothers: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The Blessed Mother came this night accompanied by the Child Jesus, who was in the arms of St. Joseph. During the apparition, the Child Jesus asked me to kiss again the Scapular of his Father Joseph. He had recently asked me to do this when I was in Italy, in Vigolo, and now he asked me to kiss it again in Itapiranga. Jesus made me understand how important this Scapular is and a sign of protection against the forces of hell. This Scapular makes us deserve great graces from His Divine Heart when brought with love and faith. Let us not reject such precious graces, blessings and protection that Heaven wishes to give us.
Then the Child Jesus, looking at St. Joseph, asked him to bless us and all mankind. St. Joseph, obeying the Child Jesus' command, extended his right arm, as a sign of blessing and protection for all humanity, tracing the sign of the cross over us.