Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, March 11, 2018
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

My peace to your heart!
Beloved Son, the works I perform always have my Holy Sign. The Cross is my mark that what you accomplish comes directly from me, your Lord.
Do not be afraid. I am with you. With Abraham I made a covenant, making him the father of numerous nations. To Moses I called and sent, that he might speak to my people, and with the staff in his hand do my signs.
For this is what I say to you now, O Lord: I will make a covenant with you through our three united Sacred Hearts, a holy covenant of love and faith. If I made Abraham the father of many nations, then, through these writings of yours and through the covenant that I now make with you, you will be the spiritual father of many souls who will read, meditate, live, and offer everything united to this work, to our Most Holy Hearts.
You do not understand how great this work is, and how much Satan hates it. Through this work, which I have put into your hands, just as Moses with the staff in his hands, you will perform my signs for the salvation of many souls, of many families, of many, many sinners.
Pray, trust, never doubt my words or my promises. I have chosen you, I have called you, and I have prepared you for these difficult times of great confusion and spiritual darkness, where many no longer have faith and no longer believe.
Be a man of great faith, of great love and faithfulness to Me, your Lord and your God. Speak, tell everyone about My great love and My great mercy.
I desire to save souls for my kingdom of love. You, my son, help these souls find their way to safety by bringing my words and my light to them all.
Before Abraham existed I Am, before Moses existed I Am. Before you and this generation existed I Am.
I AM sends you, I AM speaks through you. I AM has chosen you from among many to perform the signs and wonders of His love among men.
I AM with you, now and forever. Have my peace!
I bless you!
When Jesus said that he chose me, called me, and prepared me, I remembered my dreams, which occurred before the apparitions began. I remembered the words Our Lady said to me at the beginning of the apparitions: God will ask from you a great faith!