Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

My son, love the Heart of my Divine Son. This Heart beats with love for your salvation. Enter into it and abide in it, so that you are protected from the wave of spiritual blindness that ravages humanity. It is horrible mistakes on top of horrible mistakes, filthy sins on top of filthy sins. Their sinful lives lead them not to heaven, but to the deepest abyss in hell.
Pray for those who no longer believe. My Son shed his blood for the salvation of many of my children, but so many are losing the brightness and purity of their souls, because they allow themselves to be seduced by Satan and the illusions of the world.
Pray, offer yourself as a victim of atonement to the Eternal Father. In your silence, offer your humiliations and sufferings for the conversion and salvation of souls, so that at least the little remnant may remain firm and faithful on the path of my Son.
Pray for those who are in the service of the Lord, that they may not be discouraged and may not let themselves be discouraged. Only those who are humble, obedient and who pray my Rosary every day with faith and love will remain on God's path.
Without prayer no one will remain standing for long, for it is through prayer that God gives you the strength and grace to overcome every trial, obstacle, and evil.
Pray more and more and God will give you victory over every evil. I bless you and give you my peace.