Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

Today, I heard the voice of Jesus who said to me:
Won't you comfort me?
Take my crown of thorns, carry the cross, and allow yourself to be crucified for my sake, to repair the insults of my ungrateful and rebellious Ministers.
Those who persecute you do not persecute you, but me. Those who criticize you and invent lies against you are those who also criticize and offend me. My son, the great and holy work requires great pains and sufferings. Without them the work cannot have the seal of Divinity, the sign that comes from above, from God's chosen ones. The world is in a tremendous madness, a madness in search of its own satisfaction and pleasure. Is there no longer anyone who desires God? Is there no longer anyone who aspires to holiness?
Where is the holiness and purity in the hearts of those who claim to serve the Lord? Where has it gone, for I cannot find it? Empty words are what I hear from the lips of many, words that lead to death rather than life; words that extinguish the flame that is still burning to overcome the darkness; words that hurt and wound those who search for me and are hindered, because they are silenced.
Nothing will remain hidden for long, no lie will ever prevail over the truth. I will bring out the rottenness of the proud, and make the proud weep in the time of feasting and joy.
He who prepared all this will see the day of the feast coming, but will not be able to enjoy it. With my breath, it will all be over!
Look into my Heart and learn to be one with Me. Let me always guide you and lead you. Enter into my Heart. Pray for your brothers and sisters, that they will not be shaken by the trials and will not lose faith.
I will make a general washing to purify humanity. I will cleanse the most difficult places and I will make life spring up where darkness and death reigned, I will make the voice of the little one so strong to be heard, and to the defenseless I will give my strength and fortitude that will frighten away the greatest enemies. By my Mother's requests, I have heard the cry of my people, of my little remnant, which she is preparing with such love and solicitude.
Courage! God never forsakes them. I, the Lord, am beside you and I bless you, giving you my peace!