Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved children, peace!
My children, I your Mother, stand before you. Fear nothing. I will defend you against every evil with the love of my Immaculate Heart and my protective mantle.
My Mother's gaze is upon you. Be sons and daughters of prayer. Do not stray from this path, for prayer protects you and your families against all the attacks of the infernal spirits.
When you pray, the demons of hell despair and lose their power over you and the world.
Nothing compares to God's grace. Nothing is more powerful than His love. God's love, my children, is holy. Desire this love and every blessing and grace will flood powerfully into your lives.
Be wise and prudent children. Pray and be vigilant to overcome every trap and trial that the devil wishes to cause you.
I will guide you and undo every evil. Let yourselves be led by me. I will lead you to God. I will place you inside His Divine Heart.
Here is a place of grace. Here I grant you thousands of graces. This place belongs to me and here I leave my love: love that protects, that heals and frees, for it is the love that God gave me to help all of you, my children.
Thank you for your presence. Return to your homes with God's peace. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!