Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, July 22, 2016
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved son to your heart!
Intensify your prayers for Brazil and the world. Ask everyone to bend their knees to the ground begging for God's mercy for ungrateful humanity that does not wish to convert. The sins of the world cry out for God's justice.
God leaves them free to choose between good and evil. I tell you: choose the path of good, the path of conversion and sanctity that I indicate to you.
Italy will be in great pain and persecution, because of those whose hearts are filled with hatred and violence. Pray for Italy, where Holy Mother Church is, because the sins of God's ministers are crying out to His Divine Justice, and the strong and heavy arm of the Lord will strike those who are unfaithful and rebellious to Him, because they seek only lust, power, and money. Tell the Italians to pray as I have asked them in the past the 50 magnificats. Let them pray now for Italy and everyone pray also for the whole world and much for the Church, so that she may be able to overcome the attacks and trials she will go through, in these difficult times. When Peter's boat is in great danger, the devil will show himself with all his impiety against the Ministers of the Lord, who will be persecuted and killed in a way never seen before in the world. My Mother Heart is anguished, because I speak, but they do not listen to me, I manifest myself in the world and they do not believe. But when the great pains come, what will they do?
Tell everyone to come back, come back to God now. Convert yourselves! .... It is your Mother with the sorrowful and sorrowful Heart who speaks to you, who asks you, who pleads with you.
Speak to my children of my Mother's pain, because of those who do not obey me and do not believe my motherly words. Speak to them that I am calling to them, because it is God who sends me into the world to warn them, to show them the safe way to go. Speak to all of you of my painful call that I make today once again, for the good of all, for the happiness of each one of you. Thank you for listening and heeding me.
I bless you and the whole world: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!