Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, May 30, 2016
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
My children, I your Mother love you and tell you that my Son Jesus desires your salvation and eternal happiness.
My children, open your hearts to the appeals I make to you. Understand that each one of you is important in this plan of conversion. Each one of you is responsible for your conversion, the conversion of your families, and the conversion of many souls, because much has been given to you.
The Lord has been calling you to conversion for a long time. Make sure that my calls reach many hearts. Be united and those who set a good example to all your brothers. Say no to sin and to wrong things. Do not allow selfishness, coldness and laziness to take over your hearts, but renounce everything that prevents you from doing the will of my Son Jesus.
Never use your lips against your brothers, but bring the light of God to everyone. Correct your defects by repenting of your sins and renewing your good purposes before my Son Jesus and me.
I am here to call you to the Lord, because times are bad. A great storm wishes to drive many of my children away from the path of truth, making them renounce everything that my Son Jesus taught them and left them. Pray a lot the rosary and many creeds, because only those who entrust themselves to the protection of our three Sacred Hearts will be able to remain faithful and stand up in the moments of great trials.
Pray, pray, pray, because in prayer you will find the strength and the light of God to remain faithful until the end. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!