Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Tavernola, BG, Italy

Peace my beloved son, peace!
My son, here is your Mother who loves you. I come to tell you my message of love, message of peace, which is often not welcomed and lived because many do not care about the kingdom of heaven.
The hearts and minds of many of my children are dominated by sin. The souls of so many are dirty and black, because sin has destroyed them.
Son, pray for the conversion of your brothers and sisters, and offer everything of yourself, so that My messages may reach many hearts. I know you are tired, but offer even your weariness to the Lord to save sinners.
My Son is your strength, your light and your peace. Teach your brothers to be of God, and so, many sad things can be avoided, if everyone starts to pray, to change their lives, abandoning the road to perdition.
Place within my Immaculate Heart, through your prayers and offerings, your family and all those who need my maternal help: all of them! Put them into my Heart as soon as possible, and God will shower down a copious shower of graces on everyone, transforming lives and hearts.
I am always at your side and I will never abandon you. On the day of the birth of my Son Jesus, he will come to give his blessing to the whole world, his blessing of peace and love. I bless you and the whole world: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!