Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved children, the peace of my Son Jesus to all of you!
Children whom I love so much, your Immaculate Mother comes to tell you that God loves you and blesses you one by one, so that you may continue to walk with perseverance along the road of conversion that leads to heaven.
Children, God calls you to him every day. Do not leave the Lord waiting for your response to his call of love. Give him everything without reserve, know how to renounce what your heart is full of, to be in the merciful Heart of God who is full of love and forgiveness.
My children, for many to find salvation, it is necessary to know how to bear the trials and crosses that appear in your lives with faith and love.
Do not be sad and do not lose heart. I, your Mother, am here to give you all my love as a Mother, and I will pray much before my Son Jesus for you and your families. But I ask you: abandon your life of sin, do penance and reparation to attract the merciful gaze of my Divine Son for yourselves and for the world that has become unbelieving and ungrateful to the Lord.
How many families are spiritually dead, how many couples destroyed in soul and body, because of so many sins of adultery and endless infidelity. How many young people who are no longer pure and who wound my Immaculate Heart. Help me, my little children: pray a lot. I desire to bring my love to all my children, so that they may belong to God.
I have chosen you to be witnesses of my maternal love in these times. In many places around the world I manifest myself to tell you to pray the rosary. This prayer will help them to open their hearts to God and to repent of their sins.
Do not lose your place in heaven: the place that God has prepared for those who serve and love him. Desire to belong to God. Desire to go to heaven, following the teachings of my Son Jesus and he will listen to your prayers and bless you.
I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!