Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
My dear and beloved children, today my Son Jesus extends his hand to bless you and his merciful gaze, upon you and your families, as well as upon Holy Church and the whole world.
My Divine Son loves you and every day gives countless graces to poor sinful humanity, through his Holy Sacrifice of the cross celebrated on many altars around the world, in the Holy Mass.
Do not turn away from the Heart of Jesus, but give yourself to him without reserve so that your lives may be illuminated and your hearts inflamed with his Divine Love. Many ungrateful and sinful men greatly offend my Son Jesus with their terrible sins. Never as in these times have the offenses grown worse and worse. Satan has inflamed many hearts with the darts of pleasure, sensuality and impurity.
Offer to the Father in Heaven the merits of my Son Jesus and his passion on the cross, begging forgiveness and mercy for the world, so that terrible sins may be repaired and divine justice be set aside.
What pains and tears my Heart is the indifference of many faithful, and sometimes even of the Ministers of the Church of my Son, who no longer fight the terrible sins and offenses committed against my Only Begotten Son, but rather promote and accept them as normal.
No, my children....The sins are bringing great punishments upon the world. If they are not repaired and justice is not assuaged by prayers, fasting, and penance, the world will be struck terribly, and not even dioceses and parishes will be spared, because they have been places of terrible offenses, sacrileges, and profanations, committed against God.
The works of heaven do not mix with the works of the flesh and of the world. But the divine light denounces the darkness and combats it. Be the light of God in the lives of your brothers, who are blind and in darkness. This is the hour of the great work to be done, of the great battle against evil, to save as many souls as possible for heaven.
Take your rosaries and pray, pray, pray. This battle is won only with prayer. Unite yourselves to your heavenly Mother, consecrating yourselves always to my Immaculate Heart, and you will have the strength, the light, and the grace to overcome every evil and sin. I bless you and give you my peace: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!