Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Today, at the first prayer meeting of this new year, the one who appeared and came to deliver the message was Jesus. He was radiant, wrapped in an indescribable light and wearing a long, white garment, showing us His Sacred Heart. He was walking along a luminous road that had, to his right and left, many white, red and yellow roses adorning the path where he was passing. They were a multitude of roses, many, many. Jesus looked kindly at all of us and said:
My peace I give you, my peace be with you!
I am here to bless you and to thank you for praying the rosary in honor of my Blessed Mother. Pray more and more. The rosary unites you more and more to my Divine Heart.
This is my Heart. It is full of love for you and for humanity. I desire to save you from the present darkness. The dangers are many, but if you are faithful to the calls that heaven makes to you, you will succeed in overcoming the trials and obstacles with strength and courage, peace and serenity.
Accept the messages from my Immaculate Mother. I have sent her to show you the way that leads to the glory of my Kingdom.
A great and strong light, full of grace and beauty shines in the Amazon skies: it is my Mother! Blessed are all those who welcome her maternal words with love and heart and put them into practice.
Be obedient and faithful. Be my apostles of prayer and peace. Pray and be vigilant. Pray and be vigilant. Pray and be vigilant. The time is passing and many things prophesied in the past will come to full fulfillment.
I am sending my present prophets to announce my call to conversion and repentance, before the painful events occur that will change the lives of mankind forever.
Wake up! It is time for much prayer and vigilance. The time is for you to learn to belong to God completely. Change your lives and you will receive in depth my blessing and my grace that will help you to remain faithful in any situation or trial. Fear nothing! I am your strength and the one who protects you against everything and everyone.
Trust in my Heart and you will see the glory of heaven shine always upon your homes. Return to your homes with my peace and my love: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
The presence of Jesus at the beginning of this new year is very significant. He by excellence and primacy has every right to come to give his message first, but his presence also wants to show us how important it is to pray with love and faith the full rosary that his Blessed Mother so often asked us to pray, in her manifestations in Itapiranga. Jesus came in person to tell us that He loves the prayer of the rosary and that this prayer unites us to Him more and more. Let us open our hearts to the calls of heaven and everything in our lives will change for the better.