Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, December 17, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

My children, you live in a world that has chosen not to be united to God anymore. Many are no longer interested in the things of heaven, but live only for the world and the kingdom of darkness. Abandon the wrong things! Do not allow Satan to destroy all that is good in you. This is the hour of grace: heaven comes to earth to call men to a change of life. I come to many places in the world to invite you to conversion. Who really wants to listen to the cry of my appeals and my supplications? Who wants to walk on this road that leads to heaven? The road that I indicate to you requires strong renunciation and detachment, it is a road where the one who wishes to serve the Lord cannot think of himself, but of the good of his neighbor, knowing how to help and serve him.
It is a road of giving and service, and not a road where you want to be served, having the good and the best. It is a holy road, which helps you to overcome the vanities and deceptions of the world. Everything that Satan offers you is illusion and deception, my children, always remember this. His deceptions and illusions lead you to eternal death. Those who allow themselves to be seduced by him are in danger of never again seeing the merciful face of God, for the enemy is acting in these times with great fury and malice against God's children. Do not give in! Do not let yourselves be blinded by the devil. Fight with all your might against his kingdom of darkness and against every evil. Take my messages into your hearts and my Son Jesus will give you the strength and grace of the Holy Spirit. My Son will give you to drink of the living water that kills all the needs of your souls, and will give you to eat of the Bread of life that kills the spiritual hunger that wants to bring you down and make you fall into sin.
I love you, and I tell you with my Heart full of God's blessings and graces: love you too, for those who love have no fear of the future and will see the glory of the Lord shine out, when he reveals his merciful face to the world. In love there is no fear nor eternal death, but peace and hope for many hearts. In the love that is my Divine Son is found victory over death and sin. In love you will find true meaning for your lives and you will all be God's. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!