Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Manaus, AM, Brazil

The Blessed Mother came to us once again to transmit her holy message of conversion:
Peace my beloved children!
I, your Heavenly Mother, come again to invite you to conversion: convert, my children, because conversion is lacking. Many are still not obedient to my calls as Mother and allow themselves to be led by the snares of the devil, because they do not pray as I have asked them to and have not truly opened their hearts to my Son Jesus and to me. Do not leave prayer aside. Be faithful to God and to my motherly calls. My children, you must be the light of God to your brothers and sisters. Do not want the darkness of Satan, for it destroys their souls and makes them deserve the fire of hell. Take my Mother's love into your hearts and be witnesses of this love to your brothers.
Here in this place I leave all my Mother's love, so that my most afflicted and distressed children, who come here, may receive the peace of my Son Jesus and be healed spiritually. Pray the rosary every day for the good of the world and for peace. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Before leaving, the Holy Virgin said:
This place, together with this family, will forever be within my Immaculate Heart. Blessed are those who come here and understand this grace.
I thanked her for these profound words that greatly touched my heart and for her protection given to my family. She continued by saying:
Many revolt and rebel against God's works and often persecute her. These who become a stumbling block, further down the road they will fall by themselves, because they fight and fight against God Himself and His work. Itapiranga will never be destroyed, because what God has granted and done in Itapiranga is something unique in the Amazon. People and things will end, but God's grace in Itapiranga will remain forever.
The Church has already proclaimed this, through the Bishop, when he consecrated his Prelature to the Queen of Rosary and Peace, when he welcomed, as head of the Church, these manifestations of the Mother of God; when he blessed the Cornerstone of the Shrine of Our Lady and published the Decree of Worship. The place where the Mother of God manifested herself is part of the Church and is inserted in the Prelature of Itacoatiara. Crazy is he who wants to fight against Itapiranga and against the manifestations of the Mother of God, who belongs to the Church of Christ. Jesus told us that the gates of hell will not prevail against his Church, and if Itapiranga is united to the Church and the manifestations of the Virgin also, now we conclude that evil will never prevail against them.