Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in São Caetano, SP, Brazil

Today the Mother of God came once again from heaven to give us her message of love:
Peace my beloved children!
My children, I am the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace. I am your Heavenly Mother who loves you so much and wants you well.
Pray the rosary as a family, pray for the world that has distanced itself from God. Open your hearts to God's love. If you want God to bless your families you should pray, go to confession and take communion frequently, so that his divine grace may be with you.
I have been calling you to conversion for a long time. Many of my children do not live my messages. I appeared in Lourdes, I appeared in Fatima, I appear in many places around the world, but many of my children still remain deaf to my voice and do not want to repent of their sins.
Receive my love as a Mother in your hearts and take it to your brothers and sisters. Do not doubt! Live what I tell you and many graces will descend from heaven upon your families and upon the world.
I bless you all with my motherly blessing. Return to your homes with God's peace. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Our Lady gives us precise and simple indications to reach the graces of heaven and the peace of God: to pray more by approaching the holy sacraments and to be obedient to what she proposes and teaches us, not being deaf and blind. The worst thing in the life of a Christian is to know that the truth is before him, but not wanting to admit it as certain, he considers it as a lie and disdains it, because he does not want to renounce sin and his worldly life. This is the danger that many run today, because they want to have all the certainty to doubt God's truths. This is why Our Lady asks us to live her messages. In the messages we will find answers to so many questions and we will find the grace of God that wants to change our hardened hearts into hearts of flesh full of love and peace. To be witnesses of God's love and of his love for our brothers, that is, to evangelize with our lives, with our deeds and words, in these times, is a great challenge, but it is not impossible, because the God of the impossible is with us and with him we can do everything, even to transform this whole paganized world into a truly Christian world.