Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, June 22, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Ribeirão Pires, SP, Brazil

Today the Blessed Virgin came from heaven with the Child Jesus. The two were dressed in white and wrapped in a beautiful light. This light shone strongly. I understood that it was the love that the two have for each other and that this love they were bestowing on us to warm our hearts that are often unloving and unforgiving.
Peace my beloved children!
Today I come from heaven to tell you that God our Lord desires your conversion and prayer in your families.
My children, pray together in your families. Family prayer is powerful and destroys the evils of the devil. Pray the rosary every day with faith and love. God loves you and wants to grant you many graces, but first my children, you must ask forgiveness for your sins and open your hearts.
Do not close your hearts. A heart that loves must live in peace with everyone. Be my sons and daughters who love and who bring love to all their brothers and sisters. Just as I give you my love as a Mother, you must give love to your brothers and sisters. Just as I forgive you when you are not obedient to my words as Mother, so you must forgive those who have offended you.
Be united as true brothers, for those who do not live in love and unity do not please the Heart of the Lord, for He is the Master.
Love, love, love, and your families will be saved by God's infinite love. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
At the end of the apparition, Our Lady left a beautiful sign: the candle formed her image and everyone could see it. This she gave us to strengthen the faith of the people present so that they would live in an ever new way and with their hearts her calls, believing without ever doubting her maternal presence among us.