Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Ribeirao Pires, SP, Brazil - Feast of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph

Today came St. Joseph who had the Child God in his arms. Both were showing their Most Holy Hearts. Around them two were twelve Angels dressed in white who had their hands laid out adoring Jesus and were bowing to St. Joseph, as an act of respect for his person. St. Joseph gave us the following message:
The peace of my Divine Son to all of you!
Love, love Jesus, for he is peace for your lives. The Lord, the King of Heaven and Earth is here in my arms to bless you. His blessing goes from generation to generation so that your families will be sanctified in His love.
My Divine Son loves families and desires that my Most Chaste Heart be honored and loved in them. How much my Son will do for these families if they obey and listen to this divine request of his.
Families, wake up! Draw near to my Most Chaste Heart to merit the graces of heaven. Come, come, receive the graces that the Lord wishes to give you. Come, come, find consolation and peace, light and blessing, for within my Heart you will receive these graces.
Open your hearts to God's love and he will allow your homes to be filled with the love of the Holy Spirit, and so his mercy will surround you and free you from all evils.
Pray, pray, pray and God's peace will reign in the world. I love you and bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
During the apparition, St. Joseph was standing a little above the roses that were on the altar. The Child Jesus asked St. Joseph to come a little closer to the roses and he obeyed by practically bringing his feet that touched them closer together. Before they left, the Child Jesus said to me:
Tell all those who are here, that before returning to their homes, that they should first kiss the head of the image of my Virgin Father Joseph as an act of love and surrender to his Most Chaste Heart.
After the Child Jesus said these words, he with St. Joseph began to slowly ascend to heaven, accompanied by those Angels who made a procession in profound respect and silence, in a position of prayer.