Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Vigolo, BG, Italy

Peace my beloved children!
Children, I your Mother am here once again to bless you. I never tire of blessing your families, because I desire them one day with me in heaven and beside my Son Jesus.
My love as a Mother is endless, and with this love I wish to fill your hearts. Love, my children, love and you will always overcome every evil, because in front of a person who loves Satan loses his power.
God loves you, and he gives you his love, so that you may sanctify yourselves and bring sanctity to your brothers.
Children, trust in my motherly protection. I will always protect you and lead you on the safe path that leads to the Lord. Thank you again for your presence here tonight. I give you a special blessing and I cover your families with my motherly mantle.
Young people, my beloved young people, I love you and desire from you prayer, faith and love. Take my Mother's love and the love of my Son Jesus to all those who are far from our Most Holy Hearts.
Thank you my beloved young people for your presence. Do not be discouraged. Do not lose faith! Soon, your Heavenly Mother will do great things for you, because you will see the action of the Holy Spirit very strong, when many will come here to live my messages and to love the Lord, and you will have to witness to all of them all that I have taught you during all these years. Don't forget: I love you and bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Before leaving, the Holy Mother said to us:
Pray, pray for the world that is lifeless because of sin. Free yourselves from sin, to be free people. The Holy Spirit can only act in the lives of those who decide to live a new life, freed from everything that makes them sin. Turn away from wrong things and be true before God.