Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Comune di Vigolo, BG, Italy

The Holy Mother came once again this evening and gave us her message:
Peace my beloved children!
I, the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace, invite you to prayer for your families and for all families throughout the world.
Pray, pray the holy rosary much for the conversion of sinners and for all those who do not want to listen to God's call to a holy life.
Children, I speak to you, I implore you with my afflicted Heart, but you often close your hearts to my maternal voice calling you to God.
Sin no more! Rejoice in the Heart of Jesus by bringing his light to your brothers and sisters. Be of Jesus by giving a good example of life to all those who are far away, without light and without peace.
The world is sick because it sins a lot and does not make reparation for its sins, because it does not seek God. If they prayed and repented, they would not suffer so much.
Many of my children are destroying themselves and without life, but they don't want to beg for God's mercy and forgiveness, because of the pride and arrogance that dominates them.
Intercede, my children, for these brothers of yours who do not stop to think a little about eternal life. Take my words into your hearts, and God will make them bearers of his peace and love to those who need his grace.
Have faith! I am here to take your requests and lead you to heaven. I love you and
I love you and cover you with my immaculate mantle to protect you from all evil and danger. Return to your homes with God's peace. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Our Lady suffers because of those who do not wish to convert or repent of their sins. Sin is destroying the world. In fact, this is the root of all the suffering that occurs in the world. As the Virgin tells us "The world is sick because it sins much", so if it would ask God for forgiveness and make reparation many evils would be removed and many tears and pains would be avoided. How is it possible that so many continue to destroy themselves in sin, almost without life and without hope, but do not want to admit that God is the Lord of human history? We live in a time when man wants to be more than God and lord of events and of the world, but it is God who is in control of everything. God respects human freedom. He allows man to go his own ways to teach him and show him that without Him he can do nothing, as he tells us in the word: "Without me you can do nothing!" Let us eliminate pride and haughtiness from our lives and we will be saved, because without God's light guiding us and enlightening us we can really arrive quickly at a precise, clear, concrete and deserved goal, because of our disobedience: of our own destruction.